The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By rab
#27566 I've just done a rework of the OTA/API code. The API now includes code for writing to the flash but the OTA code that drives it has been moved out of the main project to the samples. This is implementation specific and now we have multiple implementations (espressif sdk and sming) this seemed more appropriate (as some have previously pointed out to me). If you want OTA support look to the appropriate sample for your platform. It's still just as easy to pull it out and add it to your own projects as before.
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By djung1000
#34133 Hi all,

I tried the rboot-sampleproject and modified it to work with the i2c_bmp180 files.
That all works as long as all the c and h files are in the root directory with all the rboot stuff.
I would like to modify the project where I move all the bmp180 files into a separate folder.
I tried to modify the makefile but failed miserably :( .
Has anyone done something similar and if yes could you please let me know the mods I have to make to the makefile.

Thanks a lot