The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By ritesh
#37937 Hi Thomas,

I have also tested ESP8266_LIGHT_WITH_MESH demo on my ESP-WROOM-02 Wifi Module but not found actual MESH Network related functionalities which I am thinking.

MESH Network is one type of network in which one ESP Device becomes as Root Node which is directly connected with external network router and all other ESP nodes are connected with nearby shortest path node.

so that each child node can reach to Root Node and can post data to cloud through external router.

Ritesh Prajapati
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By ritesh
#37953 Hi Thomas,

So, ESP8266 Light with MESH demo will not create network like MESH Network in which one ESP Device becomes as Root Node and all other ESP Devices are scanning for ESP module and tried to connect to shotest path node.

I want above type of MESH Network behaviour which is generic MESH Network.

Ritesh Prajapati
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By ritesh
#37954 Hi Thomas,

I want to develop firmware which create generic ESP8266 MESH Network in which one node becomes as Root Node which is connected with external network Router and some nodes are worked as gateway while other nodes are worked as leaf node.

So, Any leaf node can send data to Root node using shortest communication path and can send data to cloud through external network router.

do you have any idea or any demo for that?

Ritesh Prajapati