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By BlitzSSS
#40380 No worries, hope my reply didn't come across pretentious in any way :)

So can anyone explain why I'm having such drama sending "+++" to the ESP? by Serial1.println("+++")

is "+" a special character that should be sent like this perhaps? Serial1.println("\+\+\+") (not in a position to try this right now so thought I'd ask)

thanks for any help
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By BlitzSSS
#40393 posted this on the Espressif forums and had a response which fixed my issue.

the data has to be +++ on it's own with no invisible characters i.e \r\n.

Both NL & CR on the Arduino IDE serial monitor and Serial1.println was the cause.

Serial1.print("+++") works in my sketch :)
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#82252 I made a wifi camera using transparent transmission mode

In the video speed 921600 baud, but today I installed it on 2,000,000 :twisted:

Now the camera is much faster!!!

I tested ESP32CAM but now my camera is working as well.
stm32 wifi esp8266 :D