ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By rith87
#46881 Hello folks,

The sample ESP-HTTPD mostly works for me but there are some corner cases that don't and I was wondering how folks out there dealt with this.

  • In the browser, if I typed in some HTTP address, the index page would show up most of the time but occasionally, I would receive an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. And if I waited a while, the browser would refresh the esp8266.nonet page and then I would see them cats again. Has anyone fixed this intermittent problem?
  • However, if I typed in some HTTPS address, there would be no redirect to esp8266.nonet. Is there a fix for this as well?

I'm probably going to keep investigating but if anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears!
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By rith87
#46886 Regarding the first problem, here's what I see with wireshark:

  • Phone sends GET request
  • ESP8266 responds with a 302 to esp8266.nonet
  • Some SYN/ACKs between phone and ESP8266
  • RST sent from ESP8266 to phone
  • And the above two steps repeat itself a few times

Any ideas why the ESP8266 is sending a RST?
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By Sprite_tm
#46957 I can acknowledge this issue: I've seen it myself but have been too busy to spend any quality time trying to figure out what causes it. Just for my info: are you using the nonos or the FreeRTOS version?
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rith87 wrote:Hello folks,
  • However, if I typed in some HTTPS address, there would be no redirect to esp8266.nonet. Is there a fix for this as well?

I think you are stuck with this behaviour. Browsers do not redirect https addresses which I expect is a security issue so that you you can not be redirected from to