- Unpack the SDK zip file somewhere. I assume C:\ here, so you will now have a directory C:\esp_iot_sdk_v0.6.
- Move the IoT demo directory (in C:\esp_iot_sdk_v0.6\examples) one directory up, and rename it to contains no spaces (I picked iot): you now have C:\esp_iot_sdk_v0.6\iot containing all files previously in C:\esp_iot_sdk_v0.6\examples\IoT demo.
- Start the Xtensa lx106 command prompt by double-clicking the "xtensa" shortcut on the desktop.
- Navigate to the SDK directory: cd C:\esp_iot_sdk_v0.6
- If you have modified the system time, run: touch * */* */*/* */*/*/* to reset the file modification times (necessary for GNU make dependency tracking)
- Navigate to the target directory: cd iot
- Run: make
- Wait for a while
- Find the resulting binaries in C:\esp_iot_sdk_v0.6\iot\.output (and subdirectories)
how many binaries? size?
Filename Size (bytes)
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_webserver.d 1581
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_plug.d 1377
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_main.d 366
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_light.d 1356
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_json.d 1366
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_humiture.d 1408
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_esp_platform.d 1460
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_devicefind.d 1526
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_devicefind.o 7456
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_esp_platform.o 29296
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_humiture.o 1564
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_json.o 8032
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_light.o 1548
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_main.o 2940
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_plug.o 6760
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_webserver.o 65112
./iot/user/.output/eagle/debug/lib/libuser.a 123848
./iot/driver/.output/eagle/debug/obj/uart.d 1224
./iot/driver/.output/eagle/debug/obj/pwm.d 1287
./iot/driver/.output/eagle/debug/obj/key.d 1353
./iot/driver/.output/eagle/debug/obj/i2c_master.d 1235
./iot/driver/.output/eagle/debug/obj/i2c_master.o 11884
./iot/driver/.output/eagle/debug/obj/key.o 8552
./iot/driver/.output/eagle/debug/obj/pwm.o 9648
./iot/driver/.output/eagle/debug/obj/uart.o 8552
./iot/driver/.output/eagle/debug/lib/libdriver.a 39276
./iot/.output/eagle/debug/image/eagle.app.v6.out 360573
./iot/.output/eagle/debug/bin/eagle.app.v6.bin 2564524
Per subdirectory .d are generated first, then .o, then bundled in .a. Everything is put together in the .out file, from which the .bin file is then generated (with xt-objcopy). I don't know which file (.out/.bin) is used for what purpose, and if there may be other missing files that we need to deploy this (I estimate that to be quite likely), and how said binaries would be written to the device at all.
Headers and symbols from eagle.app.v6.bin:
eagle.app.v6.out: file format elf32-xtensa-le
Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
0 .data 00001438 3ffe8000 3ffe8000 000000e0 2**4
1 .rodata 00001274 3ffe9440 3ffe9440 00001520 2**4
2 .bss 00010850 3ffea6b8 3ffea6b8 00002798 2**4
3 .text 00007b34 40100000 40100000 00002794 2**2
4 .irom0.text 0001a1ac 40240000 40240000 0000a2c8 2**2
5 .comment 00001c30 00000000 00000000 00024474 2**0
6 .xtensa.info 000001b0 00000000 00000000 000260a4 2**0
7 .xt.lit 00000c78 00000000 00000000 00026254 2**0
8 .xt.prop 00017cdc 00000000 00000000 00026ecc 2**0
9 .debug_info 0000af77 00000000 00000000 0003eba8 2**0
10 .debug_aranges 00000418 00000000 00000000 00049b20 2**3
11 .debug_pubnames 00000404 00000000 00000000 00049f38 2**0
12 .debug_line 0000469f 00000000 00000000 0004a33c 2**0
13 .debug_abbrev 0000114a 00000000 00000000 0004e9db 2**0
3ffe8000 l d .data 00000000 .data
3ffe9440 l d .rodata 00000000 .rodata
3ffea6b8 l d .bss 00000000 .bss
40100000 l d .text 00000000 .text
40240000 l d .irom0.text 00000000 .irom0.text
00000000 l d .comment 00000000 .comment
00000000 l d .xtensa.info 00000000 .xtensa.info
00000000 l d .xt.lit 00000000 .xt.lit
00000000 l d .xt.prop 00000000 .xt.prop
00000000 l d .debug_info 00000000 .debug_info
00000000 l d .debug_aranges 00000000 .debug_aranges
00000000 l d .debug_pubnames 00000000 .debug_pubnames
00000000 l d .debug_line 00000000 .debug_line
00000000 l d .debug_abbrev 00000000 .debug_abbrev
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 user_main.c
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 user_webserver.c
3fff1630 l O .bss 00000004 sta_conf_47
3fff1634 l O .bss 00000004 ap_conf_66
3fff1638 l O .bss 00000004 pscaninfo_80
3fff163c l O .bss 00000004 precvbuffer_101
3fff1640 l O .bss 00000004 restart_10ms_111
3fff1644 l O .bss 00000004 rstparm_156
3ffe8040 l O .data 00000008 StatusTree_121
3ffe81a8 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_StatusTree_186
3ffe8048 l O .data 00000008 INFOTree_123
3ffe8190 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_INFOTree_180
3ffe8050 l O .data 00000008 wifi_info_tree_125
3ffe82c0 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_wifi_info_tree_225
3ffe8058 l O .data 00000008 scan_tree_131
3ffe8348 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_scan_tree_235
3ffe8060 l O .data 00000008 scaninfo_tree_135
3ffe82d0 l O .data 00000028 jsontree_pair_scaninfo_tree_227
3ffe8068 l O .data 0000000c scan_callback_138
40241680 l F .irom0.text 000001ac scan_get
3ffe8074 l O .data 00000008 wifi_req_tree_153
3ffe82c8 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_wifi_req_tree_226
3ffe807c l O .data 0000000c device_callback_169
40240fa4 l F .irom0.text 00000033 device_get
3ffe8088 l O .data 0000000c version_callback_170
40240fe0 l F .irom0.text 00000050 version_get
3ffe8094 l O .data 00000008 device_tree_173
3ffe8160 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_device_tree_171
3ffe809c l O .data 00000008 version_tree_175
3ffe8170 l O .data 00000010 jsontree_pair_version_tree_174
3ffe80a4 l O .data 00000008 info_tree_179
3ffe8180 l O .data 00000010 jsontree_pair_info_tree_176
3ffe80ac l O .data 0000000c status_callback_181
40241030 l F .irom0.text 00000030 status_get
40241064 l F .irom0.text 00000049 status_set
3ffe80b8 l O .data 00000008 status_tree_183
3ffe8198 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_status_tree_182
3ffe80c0 l O .data 00000008 response_tree_185
3ffe81a0 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_response_tree_184
3ffe80c8 l O .data 0000000c wifi_station_callback_187
402410cc l F .irom0.text 00000105 wifi_station_get
402411e0 l F .irom0.text 00000108 wifi_station_set
3ffe80d4 l O .data 00000008 get_station_config_tree_189
3ffe81b0 l O .data 00000010 jsontree_pair_get_station_config_tree_188
3ffe80dc l O .data 00000008 set_station_config_tree_191
3ffe81c0 l O .data 00000018 jsontree_pair_set_station_config_tree_190
3ffe80e4 l O .data 00000008 ip_tree_193
3ffe81e0 l O .data 00000018 jsontree_pair_ip_tree_192
3ffe80ec l O .data 00000008 get_station_tree_197
3ffe8200 l O .data 00000010 jsontree_pair_get_station_tree_194
3ffe80f4 l O .data 00000008 set_station_tree_199
3ffe8210 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_set_station_tree_198
3ffe80fc l O .data 0000000c wifi_softap_callback_205
40241304 l F .irom0.text 000001a9 wifi_softap_get
402414b8 l F .irom0.text 000001a5 wifi_softap_set
3ffe8108 l O .data 00000008 softap_config_tree_207
3ffe8230 l O .data 00000020 jsontree_pair_softap_config_tree_206
3ffe8110 l O .data 00000008 softap_ip_tree_209
3ffe8250 l O .data 00000018 jsontree_pair_softap_ip_tree_208
3ffe8118 l O .data 00000008 get_softap_tree_213
3ffe8270 l O .data 00000010 jsontree_pair_get_softap_tree_210
3ffe8120 l O .data 00000008 set_softap_tree_215
3ffe8280 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_set_softap_tree_214
3ffe8128 l O .data 00000008 get_wifi_tree_217
3ffe8290 l O .data 00000010 jsontree_pair_get_wifi_tree_216
3ffe8130 l O .data 00000008 set_wifi_tree_219
3ffe82a0 l O .data 00000010 jsontree_pair_set_wifi_tree_218
3ffe8138 l O .data 00000008 wifi_response_tree_221
3ffe82b0 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_wifi_response_tree_220
3ffe8140 l O .data 00000008 wifi_request_tree_224
3ffe82b8 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_wifi_request_tree_222
3ffe8148 l O .data 00000008 scanrslt_tree_229
3ffe8300 l O .data 00000020 jsontree_value_scanrslt_tree_228
3ffe8150 l O .data 00000008 scantree_232
3ffe8320 l O .data 00000018 jsontree_pair_scantree_230
3ffe8158 l O .data 00000008 scanres_tree_234
3ffe8340 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_scanres_tree_233
3ffe8218 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_get_wifi_station_info_tree_200
3ffe8220 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_set_wifi_station_info_tree_202
3fff1648 l O .bss 00000004 bss$2741_29_3
4024184c l F .irom0.text 00000141 parse_url
3fff1650 l O .bss 00000004 totallength$2931_35_9
401006f8 l F .text 000000f0 save_data
3fff164c l O .bss 00000004 dat_sumlength$2932_35_10
40241994 l F .irom0.text 000000a8 restart_10ms_cb
40241a4c l F .irom0.text 00000126 data_send
3ffe8350 l O .data 00000008 page_tree$3098_48_12
3ffe8360 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_page_tree$3097_48_11
3ffe8358 l O .data 00000008 scan_tree$3107_48_18
3ffe8398 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_scan_tree$3106_48_17
3ffe8370 l O .data 00000010 jsontree_pair_scantree$3102_48_13
3ffe8380 l O .data 00000008 scantree$3103_48_14
3ffe8388 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_scanres_tree$3104_48_15
3ffe8390 l O .data 00000008 scanres_tree$3105_48_16
40241bc0 l F .irom0.text 000001dd json_send
40241da0 l F .irom0.text 00000011 response_send
3ffe83a0 l O .data 00000008 total_tree$3215_51_8
3ffe83c8 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_total_tree$3214_51_7
3ffe83a8 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_totaltree$3210_51_3
3ffe83b0 l O .data 00000008 totaltree$3211_51_4
3ffe83b8 l O .data 00000008 jsontree_pair_totalres_tree$3212_51_5
3ffe83c0 l O .data 00000008 totalres_tree$3213_51_6
40241dbc l F .irom0.text 0000005c json_scan_cb
40241e54 l F .irom0.text 0000033c webserver_recv
40242190 l F .irom0.text 00000011 webserver_recon
402421ac l F .irom0.text 00000022 webserver_listen
3fff1654 l O .bss 00000020 esp_conn$3418_61_2
3fff1674 l O .bss 00000018 esptcp$3419_61_3
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 user_devicefind.c
3fff168c l O .bss 00000020 ptrespconn_30
40242218 l F .irom0.text 00000101 user_devicefind_recv
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 user_esp_platform.c
3fff16ac l O .bss 00000054 esp_param_29
3fff1700 l O .bss 00000014 client_timer_64
3fff1714 l O .bss 00000004 current_time_80
402425c8 l F .irom0.text 00000047 user_esp_platform_reconnect
40242ac8 l F .irom0.text 0000001f user_esp_platform_connect
40242614 l F .irom0.text 0000002c user_esp_platform_discon_cb
40242644 l F .irom0.text 0000001f user_esp_platform_discon
40242668 l F .irom0.text 00000015 user_esp_platform_sent_cb
40242690 l F .irom0.text 000000e2 user_esp_platform_sent
40242790 l F .irom0.text 000000c6 user_esp_platform_sent_beacon
3ffe83e0 l O .data 00000800 pbuffer$2431_35_5
40242890 l F .irom0.text 0000019c user_esp_platform_recv_cb
40242a38 l F .irom0.text 0000003e user_esp_platform_recon_cb
40242a88 l F .irom0.text 00000039 user_esp_platform_connect_cb
3ffe9530 l O .rodata 00000004 sensor_ip$2500_44_3
40242af8 l F .irom0.text 00000084 user_esp_platform_check_ip
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 user_json.c
3fff1718 l O .bss 00000004 json_buf_32
3fff171c l O .bss 00000004 pos_33
3fff1720 l O .bss 00000004 size_34
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 user_plug.c
3fff1724 l O .bss 00000004 plug_param_27
3fff1728 l O .bss 00000008 keys_40
3fff1730 l O .bss 00000004 single_key_39
40242de4 l F .irom0.text 0000002c user_plug_short_press
40242e14 l F .irom0.text 00000018 user_plug_long_press
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 key.c
40100800 l F .text 00000100 key_intr_handler
40243000 l F .irom0.text 00000033 key_5s_cb
40243034 l F .irom0.text 0000005b key_50ms_cb
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 atoi.c
4010772c l .text 00000000 __memcpy_aux
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 strtol.c
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ctype_.c
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 impure.c
3ffe8be8 l O .data 00000400 impure_data_26
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 atol.c
40107928 l .text 00000000 __memset_aux
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 rand.c
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 strtoul.c
40106300 l .text 00000000 __mulsf3_aux
40106460 l .text 00000000 __divsf3_aux
401065d8 l .text 00000000 __muldf3_aux
40106874 l .text 00000000 __divdf3_aux
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libgcc2.c
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libgcc2.c
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libgcc2.c
3fff1a80 g O .bss 00000006 phy_pwctrl_target_power
3fff7764 g O .bss 00000004 current_iphdr_src
4024c528 g F .irom0.text 0000002e chm_check_same_channel
4025980c g F .irom0.text 00000025 aes_encrypt_deinit
40246e68 g F .irom0.text 000000ba cal_rf_ana_gain
4025a118 g F .irom0.text 00000017 inet_chksum
40250edc g F .irom0.text 0000000f raw_bind
40247768 g F .irom0.text 00000002 chip_v6_get_sense
40254ca0 g F .irom0.text 00000091 wpa_get_ntp_timestamp
40250714 g F .irom0.text 00000048 pbuf_realloc
40100360 g F .text 00000028 pvPortCalloc
402519ec g F .irom0.text 00000010 tcp_next_iss
40100630 g F .text 00000055 system_upgrade_init
4024acf0 g F .irom0.text 00000026 ieee80211_phy_init
40004d04 g *ABS* 00000000 gpio_register_set
40247430 g F .irom0.text 000001cf rc_cal
402512c8 g F .irom0.text 00000039 tcp_update_rcv_ann_wnd
402478a4 g F .irom0.text 00000108 ppReSendBar
4024444c g F .irom0.text 0000013e tx_cap_init
40104b54 g F .text 0000003f wDev_EnableTransmit
4000ba48 g *ABS* 00000000 sha1_prf
402423d4 g F .irom0.text 0000003e user_esp_platform_set_token
401003d4 g F .text 00000007 xPortGetFreeHeapSize
3fffa9c0 g O .bss 00000004 netif_list
4024d9b4 g F .irom0.text 00000020 dhcp_cleanup
40248680 g F .irom0.text 00000035 ieee80211_ifattach
40259cc0 g F .irom0.text 0000000a jsontree_reset
40258b00 g F .irom0.text 00000034 rsn_pmkid
402565e0 g F .irom0.text 0000003e wpa_auth_sta_init
402479ac g F .irom0.text 00000002 ppResortTxAMPDU
402535a8 g F .irom0.text 00000120 tcp_rst
40104b98 g F .text 0000001e wDev_DisableTransmit
40250b48 g F .irom0.text 0000004f pbuf_memfind
40106b00 g F .text 000004af __divdi3
40240db8 g F .irom0.text 00000019 wifi_station_disconnect
4024d23c g F .irom0.text 00000054 cnx_node_alloc
4000a2cc g *ABS* 00000000 hmac_md5
40247c98 g F .irom0.text 00000016 rcAttach
3ffea6b4 g *ABS* 00000000 _bss_table_end
4024fa80 g F .irom0.text 00000022 etharp_request
40246f2c g F .irom0.text 0000009c txiq_get_mis_pwr
4024d9d8 g F .irom0.text 000000af dhcp_start
402443e4 g F .irom0.text 0000002c stop_dig_rx
40249414 g F .irom0.text 00000229 ieee80211_parse_beacon
40244b5c g F .irom0.text 00000085 target_power_backoff
40251928 g F .irom0.text 00000005 tcp_err
3ffe9714 g O .rodata 00000004 ip_addr_any
40259f68 g F .irom0.text 000000c9 inet_chksum_pseudo
fffff00f g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_unused_mask
4024db30 g F .irom0.text 00000046 dhcp_network_changed
4010600c g F .text 000000b9 ets_timer_arm_new
4025406c g F .irom0.text 00000037 udp_remove
40259b98 g F .irom0.text 0000004d jsontree_write_string
4024375c g F .irom0.text 0000011d gen_rx_gain_table
40249884 g F .irom0.text 00000004 ieee80211_setup_rateset
4024fe4c g F .irom0.text 00000160 ip_output_if
3ffe8ff4 g O .data 00000001 tx_pwctrl_atten_init_en
4025036c g F .irom0.text 0000001d memp_free
40242f08 g F .irom0.text 000000f4 key_init
40246de4 g F .irom0.text 00000078 get_sar_dout
40107b34 g *ABS* 00000000 _lit4_end
40259264 g F .irom0.text 00000039 wpa_sm_alloc_eapol
3ffe9408 g O .data 00000018 tkip
402507c0 g F .irom0.text 0000007d pbuf_free
40251918 g F .irom0.text 00000005 tcp_recv
401064dc g F .text 00000000 __divsf3
401060dc g F .text 00000013 _atol_r
00000110 g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_wt_base
40250864 g F .irom0.text 00000029 pbuf_cat
4024f290 g F .irom0.text 00000068 espconn_udp_client
402592bc g F .irom0.text 00000004 wpa_sm_mlme_setprotection
3fff1a90 g O .bss 0000000a noise_array
40242d3c g F .irom0.text 00000052 json_parse
40242bcc g F .irom0.text 000000c6 find_json_path
40248778 g F .irom0.text 00000028 ieee80211_find_channel
4024afb0 g F .irom0.text 00000034 ieee80211_iserp_rateset
4024ffac g F .irom0.text 00000039 ip_output
4024f57c g F .irom0.text 0000003c etharp_cleanup_netif
40107b34 g *ABS* 00000000 _text_end
40258fa8 g F .irom0.text 000000bd ppInstallKey
40253e10 g F .irom0.text 00000037 udp_sendto
40258c80 g F .irom0.text 00000025 wpa_parse_wpa_ie
402477d0 g F .irom0.text 000000c7 ppPrepareBarFrame
40250058 g F .irom0.text 0000001c ipaddr_addr
40106598 g F .text 00000000 __fixsfsi
4024c80c g F .irom0.text 00000025 cnx_start_handoff_cb
40242320 g F .irom0.text 00000035 user_devicefind_init
40253808 g F .irom0.text 00000077 tcp_keepalive
40004d90 g *ABS* 00000000 gpio_pin_intr_state_set
4010352c g F .text 00000068 ppRollBackTxQ
40259908 g F .irom0.text 0000012a jsonparse_next
3fff1a75 g O .bss 00000001 pwctrl_debug
4024f378 g F .irom0.text 0000004c etharp_tmr
400018a4 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_memset
40107b34 g *ABS* 00000000 _lit4_start
40251850 g F .irom0.text 000000ad tcp_alloc
4024af30 g F .irom0.text 00000034 ieee80211_node_pwrsave
4024b61c g F .irom0.text 00000008 scan_set_desChan
4024adcc g F .irom0.text 00000027 ieee80211_dot11Rate_rix
401060c8 g F .text 00000013 atol
40103628 g F .text 00000025 ppRecordBarRRC
40253e48 g F .irom0.text 00000127 udp_sendto_if
402447f0 g F .irom0.text 00000041 ram_set_noise_floor
40258f74 g F .irom0.text 00000031 wpa_gen_wpa_ie
40104ff0 g F .text 00000037 wDevProcessDirtyBuf
40245808 g F .irom0.text 00000081 phy_gpio_cfg
40251914 g F .irom0.text 00000004 tcp_arg
40253a3c g F .irom0.text 00000045 sys_timeouts_init
40240f68 g F .irom0.text 0000002f wifi_get_macaddr
40009410 g *ABS* 00000000 aes_unwrap
3fffa9e4 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_active_pcbs
402581c8 g F .irom0.text 0000006c wpa_add_kde
3fff1f10 g O .bss 00000028 wDevCtrl
3fffaa40 g O .bss 00000004 udp_pcbs
40258d74 g F .irom0.text 0000009a wpa_supplicant_parse_ies
40259cf8 g F .irom0.text 0000013d jsontree_print_next
3ffe9370 g O .data 00000020 memp_desc
40245d6c g F .irom0.text 00000064 ram_pbus_xpd_tx_on
40251078 g F .irom0.text 00000059 tcp_shutdown
4024faa4 g F .irom0.text 00000077 ethernet_input
4024b6a4 g F .irom0.text 0000013d scan_profile_check
40107b34 g .text 00000000 _etext
4024d040 g F .irom0.text 00000108 cnx_update_bss_more
402443c0 g F .irom0.text 0000001c start_dig_rx
40002ae8 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_bzero
40258bd4 g F .irom0.text 00000060 rsn_cipher_put_suites
402447d4 g F .irom0.text 0000001c ram_get_noisefloor
4024ad18 g F .irom0.text 00000031 ieee80211_setup_ratetable
4024cefc g F .irom0.text 00000082 cnx_rc_update_rssi
40250858 g F .irom0.text 0000000c pbuf_ref
4024776c g F .irom0.text 00000009 chip_v6_unset_chanfreq
40104bc4 g F .text 00000045 Tx_Copy2Queue
40250518 g F .irom0.text 00000013 netif_set_netmask
4025179c g F .irom0.text 00000031 tcp_recv_null
3fff7768 g O .bss 00000004 current_netif
40249ab4 g F .irom0.text 00000130 ieee80211_send_setup
40253124 g F .irom0.text 000000eb tcp_enqueue_flags
40101298 g F .text 0000000b GetAccess
3ffe9390 g O .data 00000002 memp_sizes_test
4024acc8 g F .irom0.text 00000005 ieee80211_get_11g_ratetable
40251054 g F .irom0.text 00000024 tcp_close
40254b78 g F .irom0.text 00000052 hostapd_get_psk
40251304 g F .irom0.text 00000044 tcp_recved
40249890 g F .irom0.text 00000220 ieee80211_output_pbuf
4025193c g F .irom0.text 00000048 tcp_pcb_purge
4024b5a8 g F .irom0.text 00000022 scan_clear_channles
40240cec g F .irom0.text 0000008a wifi_station_set_config
40244840 g F .irom0.text 0000019c noise_init
402567c4 g F .irom0.text 000003d2 wpa_receive
4024434c g F .irom0.text 0000006f do_noisefloor
40104bbc g F .text 00000002 wDev_StopChannelMeasurement
402501d8 g F .irom0.text 00000014 ipaddr_ntoa
4024e9f8 g F .irom0.text 00000025 espconn_disconnect
40002d40 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_timer_disarm
3ffe9770 g O .rodata 00000007 tcp_persist_backoff
40244be4 g F .irom0.text 0000002c sdt_on_noise_start
3fff18b8 g O .bss 00000188 chip6_sleep_params
40107770 g F .text 00000101 memcpy
40258a10 g F .irom0.text 000000e3 wpa_pmk_to_ptk
3fffa9f8 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_ticks
3fffa9f4 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_listen_pcbs
4024b058 g F .irom0.text 00000011 ieee80211_addbasicrates
40103a78 g F .text 0000008c ppCalTxop
402536c8 g F .irom0.text 00000039 tcp_rexmit_rto
402566e8 g F .irom0.text 0000002d wpa_auth_sta_deinit
40242c98 g F .irom0.text 0000001d json_putchar
40104e30 g F .text 000000ed wDev_AppendRxAmpduLensBlocks
402401b4 g F .irom0.text 0000008c wdt_init
40248a0c g F .irom0.text 00000345 hostap_input
4024387c g F .irom0.text 0000006e pbus_set_rxbbgain
40107abc g F .text 00000000 __floatsidf
402591b8 g F .irom0.text 00000037 wpa_attach
3ffea6b4 g *ABS* 00000000 _rodata_end
40251900 g F .irom0.text 00000011 tcp_new
4025404c g F .irom0.text 00000015 udp_disconnect
4025098c g F .irom0.text 00000086 pbuf_copy_partial
401040fc g F .text 00000042 rcUpdateRxDone
3fff7790 g O .bss 00000070 memp_memory_RAW_PCB_base
40254c54 g F .irom0.text 00000043 hexstr2bin
3fff7bf0 g O .bss 00000180 memp_memory_TCP_SEG_base
40101bb8 g F .text 00000048 lmacProcessCtsTimeout
40253a84 g F .irom0.text 00000071 sys_timeout
40250c00 g F .irom0.text 00000008 get_ping_length
40100320 g F .text 0000003a vPortFree
40259b50 g F .irom0.text 0000000d jsonparse_has_next
40250e20 g F .irom0.text 0000001a ping_send_now
40240010 g F .irom0.text 0000005e read_macaddr_from_otp
4024e02c g F .irom0.text 000000bd dhcp_release
3ffe9790 g O .rodata 0000002c tcp_state_str
40250fa0 g F .irom0.text 00000011 raw_send
4024b348 g F .irom0.text 0000003c scan_cancel
4025a130 g F .irom0.text 00000072 inet_chksum_pbuf
40250a14 g F .irom0.text 00000064 pbuf_take
4010009c g F .text 0000000e wdt_feed
40105068 g F .text 000001d1 wDevResetRx
40004644 g *ABS* 00000000 spi_flash_attach
40248840 g F .irom0.text 0000004e ieee80211_crypto_decap
3fff7760 g O .bss 00000004 current_iphdr_dest
401024a8 g F .text 00000026 ram_get_bb_atten
40107874 g F .text 0000004c __udivsi3
40248420 g F .irom0.text 0000004e wDev_Crypto_Conf
40103360 g F .text 0000005b ppGetTxQFirstAvail_Locked
4024e8f4 g F .irom0.text 0000005e espconn_tmr
402546c8 g F .irom0.text 000001b3 icmp_input
40105028 g F .text 00000038 wDevCheckBlockError
40002c48 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_timer_setfn
40104c0c g F .text 0000000d wDev_disableNAV
4024a920 g F .irom0.text 00000125 ieee80211_send_proberesp
401038b0 g F .text 00000020 ppDiscardMPDU
40004a00 g *ABS* 00000000 SPIEraseSector
40250394 g F .irom0.text 00000053 netif_add
40240ed4 g F .irom0.text 00000042 wifi_softap_set_ssid_hidden
4024c5ac g F .irom0.text 00000083 cnx_sta_connect_cmd
3ffea6b8 g *ABS* 00000000 _bss_start
4024fba8 g F .irom0.text 00000072 ip_router
402431e4 g F .irom0.text 0000001a register_phy_ops
40251750 g F .irom0.text 0000001c tcp_segs_free
40242550 g F .irom0.text 0000006a user_esp_platform_set_info
402487e4 g F .irom0.text 00000004 ieee80211_crypto_setkey
40240484 g F .irom0.text 00000025 skip_atoi
40104088 g F .text 00000071 rcUpdateTxDone
3ffea6ac g *ABS* 00000000 __XT_EXCEPTION_DESCS__
401062e4 g F .text 0000001b strtoul
40242e38 g F .irom0.text 00000087 user_plug_init
40104914 g F .text 0000001b wDevForceAck6M
40245040 g F .irom0.text 00000235 phy_dig_spur_prot
40245384 g F .irom0.text 000003b6 phy_bb_rx_cfg
4025049c g F .irom0.text 00000065 netif_set_ipaddr
40259abc g F .irom0.text 00000025 jsonparse_get_value_as_long
22222112 g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_wb_allvalid
402487e0 g F .irom0.text 00000004 ieee80211_crypto_available
40244410 g F .irom0.text 00000022 chip_v6_set_chanfreq
401020a8 g F .text 00000002 txon_stable_delay
40246588 g F .irom0.text 0000037f ram_set_channel_freq
40002ab8 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_strncmp
40246d78 g F .irom0.text 00000068 set_txdc_pbus
40100adc g F .text 00000015 lmacIsIdle
40252db0 g F .irom0.text 00000372 tcp_write
4024a374 g F .irom0.text 0000004d ieee80211_getcapinfo
40100000 g *ABS* 00000000 _text_start
4024f5b8 g F .irom0.text 0000003a etharp_find_addr
4024a3cc g F .irom0.text 000003fd ieee80211_send_mgmt
401041ec g F .text 0000004a rcGetRate
40002ac8 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_strlen
40103bf4 g F .text 0000000b RC_GetAckRate
40254988 g F .irom0.text 0000006b hostapd_config_defaults
40259ca8 g F .irom0.text 00000018 jsontree_setup
40100000 g F .text 0000000f call_user_start
00000110 g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_wb_base
40247ab0 g F .irom0.text 000001e4 RC_Initialize
4025118c g F .irom0.text 0000008a tcp_bind
40251170 g F .irom0.text 00000011 tcp_abort
40254dd0 g F .irom0.text 0000003d ets_strdup
40246acc g F .irom0.text 0000003f chip_v6_set_chan
402442f8 g F .irom0.text 0000001a check_data_func
4000ba28 g *ABS* 00000000 hmac_sha1
40105240 g F .text 00000048 esf_rx_buf_alloc
4024c374 g F .irom0.text 00000065 chm_init
3fff7ea0 g O .bss 00002af8 memp_memory_PBUF_POOL_base
402592c0 g F .irom0.text 00000004 wpa_sm_get_beacon_ie
40254654 g F .irom0.text 00000059 dhcps_start
40105294 g F .text 00000116 esf_buf_alloc
4024c484 g F .irom0.text 00000034 chm_end_op
4025898c g F .irom0.text 00000026 wpa_compare_rsn_ie
40240a10 g F .irom0.text 00000028 load_user_param
402409d4 g F .irom0.text 00000038 save_user_param
40250f04 g F .irom0.text 0000009a raw_sendto
fffff22f g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_bp_strict
40254bcc g F .irom0.text 0000001d inc_byte_array
3ffe9644 g O .rodata 00000004 _global_impure_ptr
40105490 g F .text 0000001d pm_usec2rtc
40254af0 g F .irom0.text 00000069 hostapd_maclist_found
4010414c g F .text 0000009f rcGetSched
40254a70 g F .irom0.text 0000002e hostapd_setup_wpa_psk
3fff18b0 g O .bss 00000004 rxiq_compute_num
40245aa8 g F .irom0.text 0000009d set_26mcrystal_uart
4024e9a8 g F .irom0.text 00000006 espconn_regist_sentcb
40242da4 g F .irom0.text 0000003f user_plug_set_status
40240c88 g F .irom0.text 00000008 wifi_get_opmode
402479b0 g F .irom0.text 00000013 ppInitTxq
40106fb0 g F .text 00000460 __udivdi3
4024e0ec g F .irom0.text 00000036 dhcp_stop
40240e20 g F .irom0.text 000000ae wifi_softap_set_config
4024527c g F .irom0.text 0000004b chip_v6_rxmax_ext_dig
4024eda4 g F .irom0.text 0000008c espconn_tcp_client
40002e68 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_timer_init
40107ab4 g F .text 00000000 __floatunsidf
40103594 g F .text 00000011 pp_AddRxBA
4024c500 g F .irom0.text 00000026 chm_freq2index
402508e8 g F .irom0.text 000000a4 pbuf_copy
40253704 g F .irom0.text 000000aa tcp_rexmit
40100268 g F .text 000000b8 pvPortMalloc
2222211f g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_wt_trapnull
3fff18ac g O .bss 00000004 g_phyFuns
4010335c g F .text 00000002 ppSetTxAmpduLimit
40101c00 g F .text 0000005a lmacProcessAckTimeout
3ffe8be0 g O .data 00000004 __ctype_ptr
40101f4c g F .text 00000018 phy_change_channel
40249ce8 g F .irom0.text 00000002 ieee80211_tx_mgt_cb
40258b58 g F .irom0.text 00000023 wpa_cipher_to_alg
3ffe96a0 g O .rodata 00000008 ieee80211_opcap
4010039c g F .text 00000038 pvPortRealloc
4024f0b0 g F .irom0.text 00000061 espconn_tcp_server
3fffccf0 g *ABS* 00000000 Te0
4024cfec g F .irom0.text 00000023 cnx_rc_update_age
40250534 g F .irom0.text 00000028 netif_set_up
40105bc8 g F .text 0000002a chm_return_home_channel
40245cb8 g F .irom0.text 000000b3 ram_pbus_debugmode
40000f98 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_isr_mask
40247764 g F .irom0.text 00000002 chip_v6_set_sense
40100aa8 g F .text 0000001b strtol
3ff00000 g *ABS* 00000000 _dport0_literal_start
4010173c g F .text 0000005c lmacProcessCollisions
40254d34 g F .irom0.text 00000098 wpa_config_parse_string
3ffe9760 g O .rodata 00000010 tcp_pcb_lists
40004a4c g *ABS* 00000000 SPIWrite
3ffe8034 g O .data 00000001 timer2_ms_flag
3fffaf08 g *ABS* 00000000 _bss_end
4024b06c g F .irom0.text 00000002 ieee80211_wme_initparams
40250014 g F .irom0.text 00000041 ip4_addr_netmask_valid
3fffa9e8 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_tmp_pcb
40259134 g F .irom0.text 0000005b eagle_auth_done
4024d334 g F .irom0.text 0000008e cnx_node_leave
4024e898 g F .irom0.text 00000022 eagle_lwip_getif
3fff6e80 g O .bss 00000002 scannum
4010050c g F .text 00000027 system_restore
40106a80 g F .text 00000000 __fixdfsi
4025656c g F .irom0.text 00000074 wpa_init
3fff18b4 g O .bss 00000004 check_result
40004b1c g *ABS* 00000000 SPIRead
401035bc g F .text 00000027 ppPauseTxAMPDU
402597cc g F .irom0.text 0000002d aes_encrypt_init
4024acd4 g F .irom0.text 00000018 ieee80211_get_ratetable
40103c00 g F .text 0000000b RC_GetRtsRate
40252bc8 g F .irom0.text 0000004b tcp_send_fin
401024d0 g F .text 00000190 ram_rfcal_txcap
402532a4 g F .irom0.text 000002ff tcp_output
402590ec g F .irom0.text 0000002b wpa_config_bss
40242b80 g F .irom0.text 00000046 user_esp_platform_init
4025624c g F .irom0.text 00000054 eapol_txcb
22222222 g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_bp_allvalid
40101798 g F .text 00000087 lmacProcessCollision
402409b8 g F .irom0.text 00000011 vApplicationMallocFailedHook
3fff1a88 g O .bss 00000006 tx_pwctrl_atten
40254aa0 g F .irom0.text 00000050 hostapd_wep_key_cmp
3ffe9020 g O .data 00000020 rx_gain_swp
402484c8 g F .irom0.text 0000010d esf_buf_setup
22222112 g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_wt_allvalid
3fffaa30 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_input_pcb
3fff1744 g O .bss 00000020 lmacConfMib
40259b40 g F .irom0.text 0000000f jsonparse_get_type
40250e54 g F .irom0.text 00000088 raw_input
3ffea6ac g *ABS* 00000000 __XT_EXCEPTION_DESCS_END__
40253210 g F .irom0.text 00000089 tcp_send_empty_ack
40105710 g F .text 00000083 hostap_handle_timer
4024098c g F .irom0.text 00000026 ets_sprintf
4024aba4 g F .irom0.text 0000011e ieee80211_beacon_alloc
402537b0 g F .irom0.text 00000057 tcp_rexmit_fast
40240dd8 g F .irom0.text 0000003e wifi_softap_get_config
4024a7e4 g F .irom0.text 0000013a ieee80211_alloc_proberesp
40102fec g F .text 00000060 ppRecycleRxPkt
401078c0 g F .text 00000039 __umodsi3
4025a1a8 g F .irom0.text 00000004 eloop_register_timeout
4010304c g F .text 0000008a ppCheckTxIdle
40250074 g F .irom0.text 00000160 ipaddr_aton
40258b34 g F .irom0.text 00000024 wpa_cipher_key_len
40240968 g F .irom0.text 00000021 ets_vsprintf
4024ffe8 g F .irom0.text 0000002b ip4_addr_isbroadcast
3ff00000 g *ABS* 00000000 _dport0_rodata_start
40240cbc g F .irom0.text 0000002b wifi_station_get_config
3ff00000 g *ABS* 00000000 _dport0_data_start
40244318 g F .irom0.text 00000034 do_noisefloor_lsleep_v50
4025052c g F .irom0.text 00000007 netif_set_default
40254064 g F .irom0.text 00000006 udp_recv
40104d38 g F .text 000000f8 wDev_AppendRxBlocks
4010292c g F .text 000001a4 ram_rxiq_cover_mg_mp
4024c630 g F .irom0.text 00000031 cnx_sta_scan_cmd
4024922c g F .irom0.text 0000003b ieee80211_deliver_data
40101c5c g F .text 00000008 lmacProcessRtsStart
40240d80 g F .irom0.text 0000001d wifi_station_scan
4025a1ac g *ABS* 00000000 _irom0_text_end
402483e0 g F .irom0.text 0000003c wDev_remove_KeyEntry
40102ad0 g F .text 0000020b ram_rfcal_rxiq
40101144 g F .text 000000e4 lmacProcessTxSuccess
40250bf0 g F .irom0.text 0000000f set_ping_length
40259b60 g F .irom0.text 00000036 jsontree_write_atom
401005f4 g F .text 0000003b system_upgrade
4024324c g F .irom0.text 00000016 phy_disable_agc
4025055c g F .irom0.text 00000024 netif_set_down
402505d0 g F .irom0.text 00000144 pbuf_alloc
40250580 g F .irom0.text 0000003b netif_set_link_up
4024637c g F .irom0.text 00000160 ram_ana_inf_gating_en
40100950 g F .text 00000013 _atoi_r
4024a164 g F .irom0.text 00000039 ieee80211_add_xrates
4024691c g F .irom0.text 0000015f chip_60_set_channel
4024314c g F .irom0.text 0000002e lmacMibInit
402593b0 g F .irom0.text 00000417 rijndaelEncrypt
4025803c g F .irom0.text 00000106 wpa_write_rsn_ie
40259cd0 g F .irom0.text 00000028 jsontree_path_name
4024d290 g F .irom0.text 00000047 cnx_node_remove
4024777c g F .irom0.text 00000032 ppRegisterTxCallback
40105a10 g F .text 0000002d scan_pm_channel_op_cb
40244a80 g F .irom0.text 000000d3 rx_para_cal_init
40245b74 g F .irom0.text 00000071 register_chipv6_phy
402464dc g F .irom0.text 00000067 ram_restart_cal
4024321c g F .irom0.text 00000016 phy_delete_channel
40259a34 g F .irom0.text 0000005c jsonparse_copy_value
4024327c g F .irom0.text 00000016 phy_set_sense
3ffe9718 g O .rodata 00000004 ip_addr_broadcast
402423b8 g F .irom0.text 00000019 user_esp_platform_get_token
4024af94 g F .irom0.text 00000017 ieee80211_set_shortslottime
4024cf80 g F .irom0.text 0000006c cnx_rc_update_state_metric
40107a58 g F .text 00000018 __ashrdi3
40254c20 g F .irom0.text 00000033 hex2byte
40246014 g F .irom0.text 00000025 ram_chip_v6_rx_init
40254e18 g F .irom0.text 00000012 os_random
4024bcc8 g F .irom0.text 0000027f sta_input
40259a90 g F .irom0.text 00000025 jsonparse_get_value_as_int
40253ff0 g F .irom0.text 0000005a udp_connect
4024c4d0 g F .irom0.text 00000030 chm_set_current_channel
40000f74 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_intr_lock
3fff776c g O .bss 00000004 current_header
4024242c g F .irom0.text 000000a7 user_esp_platform_parse_nonce
401004d4 g F .text 00000037 restore_user_param
40247cdc g F .irom0.text 00000011 trc_onScanDone
40243264 g F .irom0.text 00000016 phy_initialize_bb
40245bec g F .irom0.text 000000c6 ram_pbus_set_rxgain
402503e8 g F .irom0.text 00000027 netif_set_addr
40002ad8 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_strstr
4024db78 g F .irom0.text 00000022 dhcp_arp_reply
401045e0 g F .text 00000014 rcReachRetryLimit
40250ba0 g F .irom0.text 0000004a pbuf_strstr
3ffe8000 g *ABS* 00000000 _data_start
40002ecc g *ABS* 00000000 ets_delay_us
40000dd0 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_task
4024ae14 g F .irom0.text 00000002 ieee80211_psq_cleanup
40255f40 g F .irom0.text 0000002b wpa_register
40106100 g F .text 0000004f rand
40000f80 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_intr_unlock
4024b070 g F .irom0.text 00000002 ieee80211_wme_updateparams
40250350 g F .irom0.text 00000019 memp_malloc
40104c54 g F .text 00000017 wDev_ClearTxqCollisions
40253888 g F .irom0.text 000000fc tcp_zero_window_probe
40249774 g F .irom0.text 00000110 ieee80211_parse_rsn
402460f0 g F .irom0.text 0000018d readvdd33
40242ec0 g F .irom0.text 00000034 key_init_single
40246044 g F .irom0.text 000000a8 tsen_meas
40107a78 g F .text 00000000 __floatsisf
4024d7c0 g F .irom0.text 0000003b dhcp_fine_tmr
3fff75d0 g O .bss 0000000a dhcp_rx_options_given
3ffe9360 g O .data 00000006 ieee80211_addr_bcast
40102060 g F .text 00000048 correct_rf_ana_gain
3fff7dd0 g O .bss 000000c8 memp_memory_PBUF_base
2222211f g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_wba_trapnull
40240608 g F .irom0.text 00000360 ets_vsnprintf
402501ec g F .irom0.text 000000c4 ipaddr_ntoa_r
402432c0 g F .irom0.text 00000007 reg_read
4010493c g F .text 00000212 wDev_ProcessFiq
40258234 g F .irom0.text 00000126 wpa_validate_wpa_ie
3ffe83d4 g O .data 00000004 device_find_response_ok
40002aa8 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_strcmp
40242d94 g F .irom0.text 00000008 user_plug_get_status
3fffa9f0 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_bound_pcbs
40259b3c g F .irom0.text 00000004 jsonparse_get_len
4024cbc4 g F .irom0.text 000000b0 cnx_bss_alloc
3fff6aec g O .bss 000002e4 g_ic
4025176c g F .irom0.text 00000028 tcp_seg_free
40100688 g F .text 00000022 system_upgrade_deinit
40250ad4 g F .irom0.text 00000072 pbuf_memcmp
402487a0 g F .irom0.text 0000003a ieee80211_find_channel_byieee
40255f7c g F .irom0.text 00000020 wpa_set_pmk
402445a0 g F .irom0.text 000000f0 tx_pwctrl_init_cal
402549f4 g F .irom0.text 00000014 hostapd_mac_comp
fffff11f g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_wb_strict
4024e9d0 g F .irom0.text 00000025 espconn_accept
40100f90 g F .text 00000094 lmacProcessTXStartData
402486c4 g F .irom0.text 00000057 ieee80211_mhz2ieee
40000454 g *ABS* 00000000 _xtos_set_exception_handler
401061ac g F .text 00000137 _strtoul_r
40104fa4 g F .text 0000002d wDev_GetBAInfo
4024b430 g F .irom0.text 0000003d scan_add_probe_ssid
4024af68 g F .irom0.text 00000029 ieee80211_proto_attach
40249380 g F .irom0.text 0000006a ieee80211_setup_rates
40103ce0 g F .text 00000031 RC_GetDuration
3fff7ba0 g O .bss 00000048 memp_memory_TCP_PCB_LISTEN_base
40251348 g F .irom0.text 000000f6 tcp_connect
4025a034 g F .irom0.text 000000e3 inet_chksum_pseudo_partial
4024e9c0 g F .irom0.text 00000008 espconn_regist_reconcb
400018d4 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_memcmp
40001b40 g *ABS* 00000000 mem_malloc
4024b470 g F .irom0.text 00000018 scan_remove_probe_ssid
3ffe83d0 g O .data 00000004 device_find_request
40102ce0 g F .text 00000030 pm_rtc_clock_cali_proc
402434a0 g F .irom0.text 000002b0 set_rx_gain_cal_iq
40242cb8 g F .irom0.text 00000083 json_ws_send
40101f30 g F .text 00000016 lmacRxDone
40105b34 g F .text 00000043 chm_acquire_lock
4024e7d0 g F .irom0.text 000000c5 eagle_lwip_if_alloc
402587c0 g F .irom0.text 00000183 wpa_parse_wpa_ie_wpa
3ffe9438 g *ABS* 00000000 _data_end
402505bc g F .irom0.text 00000011 netif_set_link_down
40240a84 g F .irom0.text 0000002e system_upgrade_flag_check
4024de2c g F .irom0.text 0000009a dhcp_renew
40256620 g F .irom0.text 0000007a wpa_auth_sta_associated
40259ae8 g F .irom0.text 00000029 jsonparse_get_value_as_ulong
40104f24 g F .text 00000066 wDev_AddRXBA
40246b24 g F .irom0.text 0000019a chip_v6_rf_init
4010695c g F .text 00000000 __divdf3
402493ec g F .irom0.text 00000024 ieee80211_alloc_challenge
402480a4 g F .irom0.text 00000089 wDev_SetMacAddress
3ffea657 g *ABS* 00000000 __XT_EXCEPTION_TABLE__
402519fc g F .irom0.text 00000033 tcp_eff_send_mss
40104c1c g F .text 00000023 wDev_ProcessCollision
4024d010 g F .irom0.text 00000030 cnx_update_bss
402479d0 g F .irom0.text 00000075 pp_attach
401066b8 g F .text 00000000 __muldf3
40002c64 g *ABS* 00000000 timer_insert
40103b7c g F .text 00000002 ppRecycleAmpdu
40103d18 g F .text 0000005e RC_GetPower
400060ec g F *ABS* 00000000 rom_chip_v5_enable_cca
40253bcc g F .irom0.text 0000000f sys_restart_timeouts
4024da88 g F .irom0.text 000000a8 dhcp_inform
4024b62c g F .irom0.text 00000014 cannel_scan_connect_state
40101d80 g F .text 00000138 lmacTxFrame
4024bb60 g F .irom0.text 00000167 ieee80211_sta_new_state
40250eec g F .irom0.text 0000000f raw_connect
4024eb34 g F .irom0.text 00000085 espconn_tcp_sent
402592c8 g F .irom0.text 000000df aes_wrap
402487dc g F .irom0.text 00000002 ieee80211_crypto_attach
4024a200 g F .irom0.text 00000173 ieee80211_send_probereq
40244c1c g F .irom0.text 00000188 chip_v6_set_chan_rx_cmp
40102de8 g F .text 000000ad ppTxProtoProc
4024589c g F .irom0.text 0000013b chip_v6_initialize_bb
40009300 g *ABS* 00000000 rijndaelKeySetupEnc
fffff11f g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_wt_strict
40102d10 g F .text 0000001b pm_set_sleep_time
401021a4 g F .text 00000048 get_pwctrl_correct
40107954 g F .text 00000050 memset
40254b5c g F .irom0.text 00000019 hostapd_rate_found
4024d3c8 g F .irom0.text 00000149 cnx_node_join
40104bc0 g F .text 00000002 wDev_ShowChannelMeasurement
40101fac g F .text 00000099 set_rfanagain_dc_reg
40258144 g F .irom0.text 00000082 wpa_auth_gen_wpa_ie
40259190 g F .irom0.text 0000000f wpa_neg_complete
40259b14 g F .irom0.text 00000028 jsonparse_strcmp_value
401054b0 g F .text 00000013 pm_set_sleep_cycles
40000e24 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_post
4024889c g F .irom0.text 00000156 ieee80211_hostap_attach
401060f0 g F .text 0000000f srand
40248740 g F .irom0.text 00000035 ieee80211_ieee2mhz
40103490 g F .text 0000009a ppDequeueTxQ
4024e9b0 g F .irom0.text 00000008 espconn_regist_connectcb
40245dd8 g F .irom0.text 000000b4 set_rf_freq_offset
4025487c g F .irom0.text 00000014 icmp_dest_unreach
3ff00000 g *ABS* 00000000 _dport0_rodata_end
402433f4 g F .irom0.text 000000a3 set_cal_rxdc
40251920 g F .irom0.text 00000005 tcp_sent
4024830c g F .irom0.text 000000ce wDev_Insert_KeyEntry
40250aac g F .irom0.text 00000025 pbuf_get_at
40105bf4 g F .text 00000007 chm_get_current_channel
40100964 g F .text 00000143 _strtol_r
4024d2d8 g F .irom0.text 0000004b cnx_node_search
401036e0 g F .text 00000034 ppEnqueueTxDone
40250fec g F .irom0.text 0000003f raw_new
40100388 g F .text 00000013 pvPortZalloc
40240448 g F .irom0.text 0000003c divide
40103dc8 g F .text 0000001a RC_GetRetryRate
40249648 g F .irom0.text 00000122 ieee80211_parse_wpa
40240c60 g F .irom0.text 00000015 system_timer_reinit
40248494 g F .irom0.text 00000017 wDevEnableRx
402546b4 g F .irom0.text 0000000d lwip_strerr
3ffe8ff2 g O .data 00000002 tx_rf_ana_gain
402449e4 g F .irom0.text 0000008c board_check_init
400048ec g *ABS* 00000000 SPIReadModeCnfig
4024adf4 g F .irom0.text 00000020 ieee80211_psq_init
3fff7800 g O .bss 00000060 memp_memory_UDP_PCB_base
40101f84 g F .text 0000001b dcoindex2txbbgain
401079a4 g F .text 00000068 __divsi3
40250fb4 g F .irom0.text 00000037 raw_remove
4024ce28 g F .irom0.text 000000d4 cnx_remove_rc
4000b840 g *ABS* 00000000 pbkdf2_sha1
40106378 g F .text 00000000 __mulsf3
40246fd4 g F .irom0.text 00000203 txiq_cover
40250e3c g F .irom0.text 0000000f ping_init
40247da4 g F .irom0.text 000002fa wDev_Initialize
40253f74 g F .irom0.text 0000007b udp_bind
4024d204 g F .irom0.text 00000033 cnx_sta_associated
401035e4 g F .text 00000041 ppResumeTxAMPDU
40251030 g F .irom0.text 00000020 tcp_tmr
40004678 g *ABS* 00000000 Cache_Read_Enable
4024f8b0 g F .irom0.text 000000f4 etharp_query
40240da0 g F .irom0.text 00000017 wifi_station_connect
402584d0 g F .irom0.text 00000011 wpa_auth_uses_mfp
4024fb20 g F .irom0.text 00000019 lwip_init
40246a7c g F .irom0.text 00000049 chip_v6_set_chan_offset
401012a4 g F .text 00000013 lmacDiscardAgedMSDU
4024f270 g F .irom0.text 0000001c espconn_udp_disconnect
401022e8 g F .text 000001bf ram_cal_tos_v60
4024f7c8 g F .irom0.text 000000e8 etharp_output
400038a4 g *ABS* 00000000 uart_buff_switch
4010423c g F .text 000001ea rssi_margin
3fff18a0 g O .bss 0000000c fake_tx_desc
40243180 g F .irom0.text 0000001c rf_init
40247cb8 g F .irom0.text 00000021 trc_onScanStart
402432a4 g F .irom0.text 0000001a phy_wakeup_init
40256400 g F .irom0.text 00000004 wpa_auth_for_each_sta
40003a14 g *ABS* 00000000 Uart_Init
40244da8 g F .irom0.text 0000007a chip_v6_set_chan_misc
4024b130 g F .irom0.text 0000007f scan_start
40244e68 g F .irom0.text 000001d6 phy_dig_spur_set
40250504 g F .irom0.text 00000013 netif_set_gw
40250840 g F .irom0.text 00000017 pbuf_clen
40243094 g F .irom0.text 0000002c lmacInitAc
40103b04 g F .text 00000076 ppCalFrameTimes
3fff75c8 g O .bss 00000004 g_cnx_probe_rc_list_cb
402592a0 g F .irom0.text 0000001a wpa_sm_deauthenticate
40100f3c g F .text 00000053 lmacSetAcParam
4024d14c g F .irom0.text 0000008e cnx_sta_leave
40251794 g F .irom0.text 00000005 tcp_setprio
40249278 g F .irom0.text 00000107 ieee80211_decap
40243200 g F .irom0.text 0000001c RFChannelSel
40253dfc g F .irom0.text 00000014 udp_send
40258434 g F .irom0.text 0000009a wpa_parse_kde_ies
40103c58 g F .text 00000014 RC_GetAckTime
40250a78 g F .irom0.text 00000032 pbuf_coalesce
40250efc g F .irom0.text 00000006 raw_recv
402452c8 g F .irom0.text 0000001d chip_v6_rxmax_ext
40250410 g F .irom0.text 0000004b netif_remove
3fff1aa8 g O .bss 00000001 rxiq_cover_fail_num
3ffe8fe8 g O .data 00000004 _impure_ptr
4024e9b8 g F .irom0.text 00000006 espconn_regist_recvcb
40259118 g F .irom0.text 00000014 wpa_config_assoc_ie
40251454 g F .irom0.text 0000027e tcp_slowtmr
402562a0 g F .irom0.text 00000028 wpa_sm_set_state
4024b044 g F .irom0.text 00000011 ieee80211_setbasicrates
3ffe93f0 g O .data 00000018 ccmp
40240c90 g F .irom0.text 00000027 wifi_set_opmode
3fffaa54 g O .bss 00000002 s
40242360 g F .irom0.text 00000054 user_esp_platform_restore
4024d518 g F .irom0.text 00000048 ieee80211_getmgtframe
402430cc g F .irom0.text 00000078 lmacInit
40103c0c g F .text 0000000f RC_GetCtsRate
2222211f g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_wb_trapnull
40255fa8 g F .irom0.text 00000080 wpa_set_bss
4024a12c g F .irom0.text 00000038 ieee80211_add_rates
401035a8 g F .text 00000011 pp_RemoveRXBA
40258c34 g F .irom0.text 0000004a wpa_cipher_put_suites
40255f6c g F .irom0.text 0000000d wpa_set_profile
402462fc g F .irom0.text 00000080 set_txcap_reg
40258b80 g F .irom0.text 00000051 wpa_cipher_to_suite
401053ac g F .text 000000e2 esf_buf_recycle
40243904 g F .irom0.text 000002f2 set_rx_gain_testchip_50
402590b8 g F .irom0.text 00000034 wpa_config_profile
4024bf90 g F .irom0.text 00000062 ieee80211_parse_wmeparams
3ffea6ac g *ABS* 00000000 _bss_table_start
40251930 g F .irom0.text 00000004 tcp_accept
40246284 g F .irom0.text 00000076 txpwr_offset
4024b64c g F .irom0.text 00000047 scan_connect_state
3fff1a74 g O .bss 00000001 phy_channel_num
3fff1a72 g O .bss 00000002 phy_freq_offset
3fff6de4 g O .bss 0000009c gScanStruct
40255ddc g F .irom0.text 00000160 wpa_sm_rx_eapol
400024cc g *ABS* 00000000 ets_printf
402471e0 g F .irom0.text 00000248 ram_rfcal_txiq
40254e2c g F .irom0.text 0000003f os_get_random
40101cf0 g F .text 0000008a lmacProcessTxError
40101c68 g F .text 00000083 lmacProcessTxRtsError
40103750 g F .text 00000016 ppEnqueueRxq
402598f4 g F .irom0.text 00000012 jsonparse_setup
400047f0 g *ABS* 00000000 Cache_Read_Disable
3fff1a40 g O .bss 00000032 chip6_phy_init_ctrl
4024871c g F .irom0.text 00000015 ieee80211_chan2ieee
40103d78 g F .text 0000004c RC_GetNextRate
40103c6c g F .text 00000036 RC_GetCtsTime
4024f14c g F .irom0.text 0000009c espconn_udp_sent
40247608 g F .irom0.text 000000bb tx_pwctrl_cal
40000f88 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_isr_attach
401033bc g F .text 000000d2 ppFetchTxQFirstAvail
401021f4 g F .text 00000063 read_sar_dout
40004cf0 g *ABS* 00000000 gpio_input_get
40249be8 g F .irom0.text 000000fd ieee80211_mgmt_output
40259c58 g F .irom0.text 0000004e jsontree_write_int_array
40257168 g F .irom0.text 000000a5 wpa_auth_sm_event
4024c3dc g F .irom0.text 00000037 chm_start_op
40254940 g F .irom0.text 00000047 hostapd_config_defaults_bss
3ff00000 g *ABS* 00000000 _dport0_data_end
402476c4 g F .irom0.text 0000009e tx_pwctrl_background
400039d8 g *ABS* 00000000 uart_div_modify
40240f1c g F .irom0.text 00000049 wifi_get_ip_info
3fffa9ec g O .bss 00000004 tcp_tw_pcbs
40243294 g F .irom0.text 0000000b phy_get_mactime
3ffe9340 g O .data 00000020 ieee80211_state_name
4025a1a4 g F .irom0.text 00000004 eloop_cancel_timeout
40253be0 g F .irom0.text 0000021a udp_input
401020b0 g F .text 000000f1 ram_set_txbb_atten
401012b8 g F .text 00000022 lmacRecycleMPDU
402592c4 g F .irom0.text 00000002 wpa_sm_disassociate
3ffe9440 g *ABS* 00000000 _rodata_start
40005050 g *ABS* 00000000 lldesc_num2link
4024b624 g F .irom0.text 00000007 scan_get_type
40248134 g F .irom0.text 000000fe wDev_SetBeaconRxPolicy
400031b4 g *ABS* 00000000 roundup2
402424dc g F .irom0.text 00000061 user_esp_platform_get_info
4024e954 g F .irom0.text 00000025 espconn_connect
40240000 g *ABS* 00000000 _irom0_text_start
4025038c g F .irom0.text 00000002 netif_init
4010138c g F .text 0000000f lmacTryTxopEnd
40103ba4 g F .text 0000004d RC_SetBasicRate
4010323c g F .text 0000008e ppProcessTxQ
40240ab4 g F .irom0.text 0000004a system_upgrade_flag_set
40101f64 g F .text 00000020 txbbgain2dcoindex
400018b4 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_memcpy
4024fb40 g F .irom0.text 00000063 ip_route
4024469c g F .irom0.text 00000138 tx_pwctrl_init
401006b8 g F .text 00000020 user_init
4024ed88 g F .irom0.text 00000013 espconn_client_disconnect
4025121c g F .irom0.text 000000ac tcp_listen_with_backlog
3fff1aa0 g O .bss 00000006 tx_pwctrl_atten_init
401003dc g F .text 00000002 vPortInitialiseBlocks
4025075c g F .irom0.text 00000064 pbuf_header
3fffa9c4 g O .bss 00000004 netif_default
4024f2f8 g F .irom0.text 00000035 espconn_udp_server
40251984 g F .irom0.text 00000063 tcp_pcb_remove
40000fa8 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_isr_unmask
4024319c g F .irom0.text 00000016 bb_init
4024ae1c g F .irom0.text 00000038 ieee80211_set_tim
40245e90 g F .irom0.text 00000184 chip_v6_rxmax_ext_ana
4024e97c g F .irom0.text 0000002b espconn_sent
3fff1aac g O .bss 00000008 ck_170
4024cc74 g F .irom0.text 00000070 cnx_rc_search
402561a4 g F .irom0.text 000000a5 pp_michael_mic_failure
40250890 g F .irom0.text 0000001a pbuf_chain
402510d8 g F .irom0.text 00000096 tcp_abandon
40251a34 g F .irom0.text 0000000a tcp_debug_state_str
402539c4 g F .irom0.text 00000030 tcp_timer_needed
40259ea8 g F .irom0.text 00000041 jsontree_find_next
2222211f g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_wbna_trapnull
40107a70 g F .text 00000000 __floatunsisf
402502f0 g F .irom0.text 0000005e memp_init
4024d990 g F .irom0.text 00000024 dhcp_set_struct
402516d4 g F .irom0.text 0000007c tcp_fasttmr
402432c8 g F .irom0.text 00000007 reg_write
40107a0c g F .text 00000049 __modsi3
4025669c g F .irom0.text 00000009 wpa_auth_sta_no_wpa
40103c20 g F .text 00000033 RC_GetAckTimeout
40102d3c g F .text 0000009d ppTask
40247cb0 g F .irom0.text 00000002 trc_onDisconnect
402589d0 g F .irom0.text 0000003d wpa_cipher_txt
3fff75e0 g O .bss 00000028 dhcp_rx_options_val
4024b074 g F .irom0.text 0000004f ieee80211_mlme_connect_bss
4024c564 g F .irom0.text 0000003f cnx_attach
4000b8b4 g *ABS* 00000000 hmac_sha1_vector
4010093c g F .text 00000013 atoi
4024cd3c g F .irom0.text 000000ec cnx_add_rc
2222222f g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_bp_trapnull
40256c34 g F .irom0.text 000003b9 __wpa_send_eapol
3fff7860 g O .bss 00000334 memp_memory_TCP_PCB_base
3ffe9540 g O .rodata 00000101 _ctype_
40240a38 g F .irom0.text 00000045 system_restart
3fff7d70 g O .bss 00000060 memp_memory_SYS_TIMEOUT_base
4024e9c8 g F .irom0.text 00000008 espconn_regist_disconcb
401045f4 g F .text 00000005 rcGetTrc
40104140 g F .text 00000002 rcUpdateDataRxDone
40102784 g F .text 0000019b ram_rxiq_get_mis
40246cc8 g F .irom0.text 000000aa init_cal_dcoffset
4024575c g F .irom0.text 000000a6 phy_pbus_soc_cfg
40243234 g F .irom0.text 00000016 phy_enable_agc
40006b08 g *ABS* 00000000 phy_get_romfuncs
40243c00 g F .irom0.text 000000f0 ram_get_corr_power
40247d00 g F .irom0.text 0000005b wDev_FetchFirstDesc
402432ec g F .irom0.text 00000108 tx_a_frame_simple
4024d778 g F .irom0.text 00000047 dhcp_coarse_tmr
4025862c g F .irom0.text 00000194 wpa_parse_wpa_ie_rsn
40248234 g F .irom0.text 000000c9 wDev_SetBssid
4025894c g F .irom0.text 0000003f wpa_eapol_key_mic
40001cb8 g *ABS* 00000000 eprintf_init_buf
40106ac8 g F .text 00000036 __muldi3
40100000 g .text 00000000 _stext
40105c08 g F .text 00000036 espconn_port
40251934 g F .irom0.text 00000008 tcp_poll
40249cec g F .irom0.text 00000109 ieee80211_send_nulldata
40106150 g F .text 0000005b strlen
40102660 g F .text 00000121 ram_rfcal_pwrctrl
402487e8 g F .irom0.text 00000055 ieee80211_crypto_encap
402540a4 g F .irom0.text 0000002d udp_new
40248470 g F .irom0.text 00000021 wDev_Crypto_Disable
402459d8 g F .irom0.text 000000be register_chipv6_phy_init_param
40240b2c g F .irom0.text 0000012e system_deep_sleep
40105b90 g F .text 00000034 chm_cancel_op
40104f90 g F .text 00000013 wDev_RemoveRXBA
400060d0 g F *ABS* 00000000 rom_chip_v5_disable_cca
3ffe970e g O .rodata 00000006 ethbroadcast
3ffe9780 g O .rodata 0000000d tcp_backoff
40104c40 g F .text 0000000e wDev_GetTxqCollisions
402421d8 g F .irom0.text 0000002e user_webserver_init
401054cc g F .text 000000bf pm_rtc_clock_cali
40254e10 g F .irom0.text 00000004 os_get_time
4024ae54 g F .irom0.text 00000069 ieee80211_pwrsave
40100ac8 g F .text 0000000f lmacIsActive
40259be8 g F .irom0.text 0000006d jsontree_write_int
40101820 g F .text 00000004 lmacMSDUAged
00000220 g *ABS* 00000000 _memmap_cacheattr_bp_base
40103ca4 g F .text 0000003a RC_GetBlockAckTime
40254a0c g F .irom0.text 00000027 hostapd_mac_comp_empty
4010225c g F .text 00000075 ram_get_fm_sar_dout
3ffe9420 g O .data 00000018 wep
40240c7c g F .irom0.text 0000000b system_get_time
4000dd68 g *ABS* 00000000 rc4_skip
40107aec g F .text 00000048 __umulsidi3
40104bb8 g F .text 00000002 wDev_StartChannelMeasurement
4025711c g F .irom0.text 00000049 wpa_remove_ptk
40104cdc g F .text 0000005b wDev_SetFrameAckType
401038d0 g F .text 00000044 pp_post
40253af8 g F .irom0.text 0000004c sys_untimeout
40251a44 g F .irom0.text 000004b0 tcp_input
40243fd8 g F .irom0.text 0000031e rx_para_cal
40004f40 g *ABS* 00000000 lldesc_build_chain
40104c6c g F .text 00000047 wDev_SetWaitingQueue
40004cd0 g *ABS* 00000000 gpio_output_set
4024fc24 g F .irom0.text 00000223 ip_input
3ff00000 g *ABS* 00000000 _dport0_literal_end
40103ea8 g F .text 000000f2 rcUpdatePhyMode
4024b0d4 g F .irom0.text 00000051 ieee80211_scan_attach
3ffe9708 g O .rodata 00000006 ethzero
40253b44 g F .irom0.text 00000085 sys_check_timeouts
4024b944 g F .irom0.text 000001f2 scan_parse_beacon
40002a98 g *ABS* 00000000 ets_strncpy
4025045c g F .irom0.text 00000037 netif_find
40243cfc g F .irom0.text 000002da board_rx_check
402431b4 g F .irom0.text 00000030 phy_init
40254e6c g F .irom0.text 00000029 ets_strrchr
4024ad4c g F .irom0.text 0000007d ieee80211_compute_duration
40103650 g F .text 0000008d ppTxqUpdateBitmap
402597fc g F .irom0.text 0000000f aes_encrypt
40104cb8 g F .text 0000001e wDev_ClearWaitingQueue
402508ac g F .irom0.text 0000003a pbuf_dechain
40102e98 g F .text 00000150 ppTxPkt
40105b78 g F .text 00000011 chm_release_lock
the output binaries from the IoT demo are attachd, if someone wants to try them.
which part is flashed to serial flash chip of the module?