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By Adam Głowacki
#78513 Is there any way to force to not send and receive at the same time? I would like it to send a bunch of data, wait for the confirmation/reply, send another bunch of data, wait for another confirmation and so on.

The background: I have been programming a device with ESP-WROOM-02 inside. There is an external microcontroller with UART port which is connected to UART-RS485 converter, while ESP-WROOM-02 is connected directly to the microcontroller (via UART). I hoped to be able to make the external microcontroller a kind of a bridge between ESP-WROOM-02 and PC in order to flash ESP-WROOM-02. But (which I use for flashing) is transmitting non-stop, expecting the confirmations/replies at the same time. I can't make it work with RS485 connection which is inherently half-duplex. Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
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By Adam Głowacki
#78529 Ok, all I had to do was to update esptool :-) I have been using esp-open-sdk from pfalcon ( which downloaded an "ancient" version of esptool (v1.2). Now I cloned espressif/esptool from GitHub (v2.5.1) and it seems to work in half-duplex (I connected logic analyzer to UART lines between UART-USB converter and a bare ESP-WROOM-02 module). Unfortunately, I experience other problems now but at least this problem has been solved :-)