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By Espradio01
#79359 Hi All

I'm hoping someone here would kindly share an example of how to list the content of spiffs on a webpage.

I am currently able to upload to spiffs.
It would be great to be able to download too (not by using the ftp server example unless it's a modified version)

I have managed to create a text file that i have written to but would like to beale to :
1. check it's there
2. Download it (or check its content on the esp's web page)

Thank you kindly

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By quackmore
#79398 that's funny, I'm working on that right now ...

I'm using SDK and I'm developing a web api for this
// [GET] /api/files/ls
// [GET] /api/files/cat/:name
// [POST] /api/files/delete/:name
// [POST] /api/files/create/:name

hope this will help you (and may your comments will help me ...)

listing looks like this (this is the web server receiving function, I've cut some code just for showing big view)

if ((0 == os_strcmp(parsed_req.url, "/api/files/ls")) && (parsed_req.req_method == HTTP_GET))

if (espfs.is_available()) // if file system is available
// count files first -> file_cnt
// now prepare the list
char *file_list = (char *)os_zalloc(32 + (file_cnt * (32 + 3)));
if (file_list)
char *tmp_ptr = file_list;
os_sprintf(file_list, "{\"files\":["); // returning results with a JSON string
// for listing with SPIFFS checkout SPIFFS using
// the following uses my C++ wrapper
file_ptr = espfs.list(0);
while (file_ptr)
tmp_ptr = file_list + os_strlen(file_list);
if (tmp_ptr != (file_list + os_strlen("{\"files\":[")))
*(tmp_ptr++) = ',';
os_sprintf(tmp_ptr, "\"%s\"", (char *)file_ptr->name);
file_ptr = espfs.list(1);
tmp_ptr = file_list + os_strlen(file_list);
os_sprintf(tmp_ptr, "]}\n");
response(ptr_espconn, HTTP_OK, file_list, true);
esplog.error("Websvr::webserver_recv - not enough heap memory\n");
response(ptr_espconn, HTTP_SERVER_ERROR, "File system is not available\n", false);