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By Stewart
#79361 I'm testing the ESP8266 SmartConfig app on Android.

I have it working for an initial setup, I can setup the SSID and PW as expected. My ESP8266 then retains the wifi access point access credentials permanently thereafter.

What I'm trying to accomplish is to be able to change the wifi credentials to a different network having new SSID & PW, at the same location. This can be done if the initial access point isn't available, but can't be done if original SSID access point is still present/available.

Is this just the way it is?
Will any other app allow this?
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By Stewart
#79414 Thanks QuickFix
Have you used ESP8266 SmartConfig or WiFi Manager?
Which do you prefer?

I haven't tested WiFi Manager yet, but it looks like from a product standpoint, it would be nicer to have a product name displayed on the phone app/browser than the permanent 'ESP8266 SmartConfig' app screen.