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By Mizz141
#81914 Hello, Ive made a weather station with my ESP8266 Feather Huzzah from Adafruit, Im using a 4400mAh Battery and 6v 6w Solar Panel, also im using the Solar Charger V2 and a Verter 5V Buck Boost converter hooked up to the ESP...

So it looks like this, Solar Panel and LiPo on the Charger and the Verter to the Load Port on the Charger, with the ESP on the output via Micro USB...

So this worked fine for 1 Hour, then I had to Reset it...
Then 7 Hours later, (No sun anymore) I had to reset it Again...

The ESP Always goes into Deep Sleep for 2 Minutes in between getting Data (Its a Weather Station)

Can I Avoid this problem with a circuit or program?