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By ian
#85821 Hi,
I produce an experimenter board which might be of interest to you.
It's based around the Wemos D1 mini and has lots of other stuff to play with.
It was originally designed for a university class & has a lot of examples & notes to go with it.
Most of the code is freely available anyway but I've found it to be very useful for getting started.
The board features:
Wemos D1 Mini or Mini Pro
DHT11/22 combined temperature & humidity sensor.
DS18B20 temperature sensor
Four I2C connectors
Relay (driven by transistor)
8 LED 'neopixel' aka WS2812
White LED
Push button
Piezo buzzer
Take a look at [url][/url]

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By rjalex
#85822 Ian I really appreciate it. Thank you very much.
Here in Rome it seems we're going to be hit hard with this damn virus and having something to tinker at home will be if not life, soul saving :)

I've tinkered a bit with an 8266 board which now sits atop my bookshelf and logs T/H with a DHT11.

I'm having huge problems with a NodeMCU-ESP32S-Wroom and spend time guessing as to why the damn thing refuses to connect to WiFi.

Just ordered 5 Wemos mini lite from China (hoping they are well enough to deliver the stuff) and will play with them.

Take care,

PS Could I ask the S&H price of your assembled boards for Rome?