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By freddp
#86328 Hi

I have some issues in a project I'm working on.
Its a ESP8266 that sends ESP-NOW data to a reciver and goes to sleep.

My scetch is very easy, two buttons, one connected to RST-pin -> ground to wake up from deep sleep.
Other button is to read if the user is pressing that button to send another value at boot.

1st issue: If the user is holding down the RST button for some reason the ESP will just loop boot and never send data. Is there any way to just read Reset button ones the pull it high again even if the button is pressed down?

2nd issue: The second button reads if that is HIGH another value will be sent over the ESP-NOW. But now the user have to press both the RST button AND hold this button down during boot.
Is there any way to only press this second button and connect it to RST pin and link them together?

(I tried to do a circuit scetch, but I cant find any good site and I'm really bad at painting)
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By rudy
#86334 Try this.


The diode should be a low series voltage schottky diode. Like a 1N5817. The 1M resistor can be lower resistance, but still should be higher than the pull up. 10K was easier to draw ahan other values, although other values should work as well. Probably up to 50K.

I have not tried this but it should work.
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By freddp
rudy wrote:Try this.


The diode should be a low series voltage schottky diode. Like a 1N5817. The 1M resistor can be lower resistance, but still should be higher than the pull up. 10K was easier to draw ahan other values, although other values should work as well. Probably up to 50K.

I have not tried this but it should work.

Thanks, I will try that and get back to you.