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By thinknghome
swe-dude wrote:if you are using rc switch, have you tried increasing int RCSwitch::nReceiveTolerance = 60; in RCSwitch.cpp

If not do so, depending on the signal you are trying to receive you can increase this quite a bit, try maybe 90 to 150, you might end up with some random signals if you increase it too much thou.

in the same file you can also try changing this:
if ((repeatCount==0) || (diff(duration, RCSwitch::timings[0]) < 200)) {

increase from 200 too to 400 maybe.

changing these helped me receive signals i missed before, might be worth a try, Good luck.

A have the same problem, i have tried this modification but no success. Now i will drill down and try RadioHead and other low-level libs to see cheap transmitter buttons send anything when short press.