Inq720 wrote:I'm going to try and work through these two elephants in bite size pieces. Your images are not coming through on the forum, but I was able to find the links. You might want to try adding them via the "Upload Attachment" tab just below the forum's editor instead of The forum software doesn't seem to like it.Jacob Major wrote:Kinda- You're able to browse to the Admin on your ESP8266... using something like http://Soil_Moisture/Admin.html
I was using and opening my index.html from the files tab to see my graph. Then the link just becomes![]()
I was not able to get http://Soil_Moisture/Admin.html to work.
You have connected your laptop's WiFi directly to the built-in Access Point by connecting to the SSID of Soil Moisture.
Do you have a personal router you connect to or just the University's? If you don't have your own, the University's won't let you communicate with the ESP8266 server. Public routers block that because of security reasons. You're only avenue is the direct connect as you have done. That was sharp that you noticed the other option in the Serial Monitor.
I use a personal router that acts like a normal network, I am lucky enough that my university managed to emulate it as if it is its own network like a normal router despite being connected via the schools network. For this project, you can assume I am working with a normal standard network and a personal router. I will check if I can connect to the network when I can get back into the school building. Likely Friday.
If you do have a personal router like most people have at home, you can connect to it and browse across your local LAN. In depth instructions can be found or Unfortunately, you can't get to those since you're connected to the ESP8266 server.
I will check these out and let you know if I have more difficulty.