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By BK2022
#95088 Good day!

I'm currently attempting to follow these instructions: ... th_ESP8266

The goal is to use the D1 card to create a tally light.

Everything goes well with the construction until it comes time to plug the board in and see the port appear. I can plug the card in, the blue light flashes, and then... nothing. No ports appear. I did not install the drivers, because my iOS version is recent enough that the instructions said not to (driver automatically included in OS, and double installation would cause problems).

Am I missing something? How do I move forward, here?
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By BK2022
rooppoorali wrote:Hi, have you done the ESP8266 board installation in the Arduino IDE properly?

To be honest, I don't know if I have the knowledge base to determine whether or not I've done it properly. However, I did follow the instructions exactly, and double checked at each step. Since you bring it up as a possibility, though, I'll do the steps again and just see what happens.
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By BK2022
#95094 Everything checks out according to the instructions. The board manager is set up, the card is installed, FastLED library installed, and the tally program files have been downloaded. I know that last one has no impact on the recognition of the card, it's just a step that I took.