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By xtal
#50524 I have used SERIAL_RX_BUFFER_SIZE in esp8266 cores HardwareSerial....
Since I upgraded to 1.6.9 I cannot find this and don'tknow how to change the Rx size....

Can anybody tell me how to increase the Hardware Serial RX buffer size to 1024 in Arduino 1.6.9 ESP8266
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By Me-no-dev
#50525 Your version uses the hardware buffer of the ESP (128 bytes). In the latest git there is a software buffer added back and defaults to 256 bytes. It's size can be changed with
Code: Select allSerial.setRxBufferSize(1024);
for example. The return will be the size of the new buffer or the size of the old one if it can not allocate the size you requested.
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By xtal
#50567 What latest GIT are we talking about ? 2.3.0-rc2 or 2.3.0 or something else ?

With 2.3.0 xx I'm getting........................

Arduino: 1.6.9 (Windows 10), Board: "Generic ESP8266 Module, 80 MHz, 40MHz, DIO, 115200, 512K (64K SPIFFS), ck, Disabled, None"

C:\Arduino 169\SKETCH\AP-6\AP-6.ino: In function 'void setup()':

AP-6:145: error: 'class HardwareSerial' has no member named 'setRxBufferSize'



exit status 1
'class HardwareSerial' has no member named 'setRxBufferSize'