Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By btidey
#84985 I think there is a reason why the Arduino reference might be valid here.

The Arduino default use of SPI is to set the use of the hardware CS to false. Many of the libraries using SPI leave the default but then manage the CS locally within the library. For example, the Adafruit 1306 OLED display does just that. This means they can accept any free GPIO pin as the CS when initialised. I suspect the overhead in managing CS like this has very little impact in practice.

Of course, the same can apply in a non Arduino environment if one chooses to software manage the CS.
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By btidey
#84993 That may be a little harsh on the OP as they probably thought they were asking a hardware related question.

It is only when digging further that the method that is used by many Arduino libraries becomes clear as a relevant factor. In a perfect world all questions raised would be targetted at the most appropriate sub-forum, but that is not always easy or obvious.
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By eriksl
#84995 The problem is I keep trying to answer questions here, which are quite fine by itself but answering them appear to be completely off-track often, because in the end they're arduino-related and in many cases, arduino just works differently (just like now). Don't forget arduino is in the end an emulation layer to make the ESP8266 act like it's an ATMega 8 bit controller.

So I'd really prefer that people asking questions about their arduino setup do so in the arduino section.