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By 0ff
#974 Hey jpcleve,

is your module randomly rebooting?
That's basically the result of a bad power source.
5v -> 3v3 might work, but will most certainly lead to the same result.

I am powering my modules using a cheap 12v/usb powersupply for breadboards, mine can be configured to either 5v or 3v3. It works like a charme and should cost only about 2$.
Note: You should connect the GND of your usb serial adaptor, so that you have a common ground.
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By tao13
#988 the code is very strange for me

SoftwareSerial dbgSerial(10, 11); // RX, TXdbg

so for this i think esp modeul must be connected on pin 10 and 11

dbgSerial.println("ESP8266 Demo");
this sent to esp module the text but i think it must sent to Serial(serial monitor)

this send to Serial(serial monitor) a command but i think it must be sent to dbgserial

please some advice!

other things somebody can tell us if i can use esp module as a static ip server and receive data from internet?
if the answer is yes do you have some example?
many thanks in advance to all
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By jpcleve
0ff wrote:Hey jpcleve,

is your module randomly rebooting?
That's basically the result of a bad power source.
5v -> 3v3 might work, but will most certainly lead to the same result.

I am powering my modules using a cheap 12v/usb powersupply for breadboards, mine can be configured to either 5v or 3v3. It works like a charme and should cost only about 2$.
Note: You should connect the GND of your usb serial adaptor, so that you have a common ground.

It's not rebooting...just getting a lot of garbage responses. A lot of "busy now..." responses too. I built a 3.3v PS using an LM317 and seem to be getting better behavior from it, but it's still unreliable.
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By RichardS
#1033 Decoupling caps?
Bulk caps?
Common ground?
3.3V drive on ESP8266 RX pin?
LM317 is a decent one that can supply at least 300mA to the ESP8266?

Things to check...
