Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

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By krzychb
#40921 Hi martinayotte,
I respect your aversion to 1.6.7, and 1.6.8 is coming. Maybe this one win your favor ;)
Always glad to read your helpful and accurate posts :D
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By martinayotte
#40922 Thanks, Krzysztof.
There are several reasons why I'm still using 1.6.5.
One of those is the "forward declaration" issue that came in 1.6.6, but still an issue in 1.6.7.
It seems the issue has been fixed recently, so it will probably be OK in 1.6.8.
But also, I'm using Arduino for STM32, which still incompatible with 1.6.7.
Having 2 IDE versions would be nice, but unfortunately, all of them still sharing the .arduino15 folder, which is scary.
Some people workaround that by using the "other" Arduino 1.7.8, but I'm a bit scared to jump in.
Probably I will try on a different machine first.
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By Maxi Belino
#40938 martinayotte, krzychb,

Thanks both for your answers and useful posts.

@martinayotte, nowadays i can choose to run Arduino 1.0.6 or 1.6.5 in my PC, so i'll try installing also 1.6.7; i suppose it's the faster way i can get Example files (ino, and also missing .h), and if everything works as expected maybe stick to that version.

@krzychb, nice project! i read it fast so i'll have to read it again, and again, and try to read the previous pages, ...and maybe ask you something later :)
My idea is to integrate MQTT in the sketch file, as now i'm using it with wired Arduino.

Thank you very much!
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By gambituk
#41806 Hello, i've been following the progress of this post for a long time, i thought i should give it a go, but i don't have nodemcu board yet, but i do have esp-12. I would like to know if this is a board that anyone else has tested yet with this ota sketch, and if so, what settings for memory (i've always had difficulty with the finer points of memory allocation)

So far, i've managed to upload to the board, i've seen an ip address assigned, but not managed to see the ota port listed. I'm using 1.6.7, i've installed both versions of the board manager profiles for esp, i'm not sure what is the correct configuration here also, should i install the g938.... version first then upgrade? the instructions on git seem to suggest you must have both installed, but i cant see which should be active..

Please, any feedback would be appreciated, it looks like a project with so many possibilities.

Thanks :ugeek: