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By hwiguna
zioax wrote:I know it, but I'm waiting for the level shifter. So did have you try it with Arduino running a Webserver?


YES, I got it to work on my Arduino Mega.
I ran into some issues (may or may not be the same ones you ran into :lol: )

Here's my code: ... _RemoteLed

I drew this diagram before I started coding. The gist of it is correct. However, instead of parsing in the lua webserver, I simply chop off the request from browser so it only has the first 4 characters and send that to the Arduino via lua print() command. Not very flexible, but we're just trying to see if we can get it to work, right?

Note that I used an Arduino Mega, so your pinouts would be different and I don't know if you'd have issue with sharing that COM port amongst three parties: Arduino IDE, Arduino, and ESP. I use the Arduino Mega's Serial1 instead of the usual Serial.

Let me know how if you have any questions. Good luck!
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By zioax
#4272 Just tried your code but nothing, the esp led blink when i send the request but on the Arduino the rx led won't power on!