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Re: myWebServer for esp8266

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 1:33 am
by Shlammod
Actually, the solution was quite simple (perhaps it had something to do with coding late at night and a good night sleep did the trick);
I switched my WiFi router off, so the ESP couldn't connect to it anymore. It booted to the default settings and presto; I was able to re-configure it.

Re: myWebServer for esp8266

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 1:46 am
by Manti
Question, did the filebrowser die because of an update or something?

I Just flashed my NodeMCU and where I could uploade files at first it now stops working (code breaks or something. If i refresh I get the webpage but no files show up.)

I did a new install so maybe its because of some updates. can someone verify?

greetings, Mark

Re: myWebServer for esp8266

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:51 am
by NailBuster
you can try and format your spiffs.....


I haven't updated to lastest esp/github so don't know if something may have changed....

Re: myWebServer for esp8266

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:54 pm
by NailBuster
FYI...Wanted to just let you know that I re-worked this myWebServer to another project myWebServerAsync ....


This is similar to myWebServer but now used the awesome ASYNC webserver as its base so that you get a non-blocking webserver that works a lot better with multiple requests and such.

I also embedded full jquery, bootstrap with css, and fontawesome within the server so they're available at boot/config...

I've been playing around with a full dashboard with jquery/boot/charts/gauges and it loads up quickly and is pretty stable....all running locally (no internet connection)

I have a compiled bin also if you just want to flash it to your esp8266 to test it out....copy the sample html files afterwards if you want to take a look at the stability...