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By Aybert
#12464 Hey guys I tried the latest V0.95 firmware
I still have the issue with AT+CWMODE=1 (Station) but in reverse it works well with AT+CWMODE=3 (AP+Station)

I can ping my ESP8266 from my LAN and can connect from ESP8266 to any local service
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By grooves
#12809 I can't confirm, CWMODE = 3 doesn't work for my network scenario, described above,
I tried newest SDK 1.0,
no changes at that issue

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By vasimv
#35190 I've ran into same problem with Arduino IDE (ESP-12E works but stops sending ARP answers, so everyone on network loses it). To fix this, i'm calling every second function to force send gratuitous ARP announce:

extern "C" {
char *netif_list;
uint8_t etharp_request(char *, char *);

void forceARP() {
char *netif = netif_list;

while (netif)
etharp_request((netif), (netif+4));
netif = *((char **) netif);
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#45918 Hi,
still not working with dir-300 as access point,
Arduino sdk 1.6.7 esp tool 2.1.0
dir-300 b1 firmware update to 214b01
with other wifi works.

Now dir-300 work well but still not working wit esp8266
When i make first tests it go, i add parts of code based on captiveportaladvanced, one wire, chunked http transmit an so one, when i end, i keep it connected at the net and some times i check thermometer via web.
I update dir-300 (so i solve problems with smartphones and tablets) but still big problems, it loose connection and only in the moment it reconnect, i see it on serial, i can connect with it and when it have problem the softAP don't works at the same way.
