Initially I connect it via 3.3 V on arduino UNO ( which I found out it is not recommended) and did not step down 5v TX or RX pin to 3.3v
I did get respond with AT command. I able to connect to the WiFi.
I the meanwhile I did change the baud rate from 115200 to 9600 and switch it back
I did upload blink sketch to ESP 8266, keep getting error regarding EPOM but eventually i able to upload it. But blue light did not blink. (without step down RX voltage)
Now ESP 8266 didnt respond to at command and I am unable to detect the WiFi. It did send garbage message which I cannot read to the serial monitor when it power up.
It respond to ESPFlashDownloadTool and I able to flash the firmware ( I was thinking it like an iPhone, flash it with official firmware able to solve the problem)
I know it might sound stupid,
I connect 5v power source (arduino) and adjust a potential meter with multimeter to supply 3.3V
Create a voltage divider for RX pin
What should I do now to make it work again ?