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By scabskunk
#7767 Amazing work you guys. I have been reading and trying for weeks to get an oled working and now might be able to get some progress.
What about integrating I was using this for an arduino project and love it!

gwizz wrote:I've been playing around with a 128x64 I2C oled, the cheapest I could find, SSD1306 based controller - I haven't gotten it working yet! It does make the display change, but I was expecting it to flash, and it doesn't.

I copied a bunch of stuff over from Adafruit's excellent arduino libraries (qudos to her, she's made a giant contribution).
I also saw a few other examples on the web and many did the init procedure in a different order.
I had to track down some commands and another init example from the datasheet.

If this helps anyone get started then great!!
Code: Select all-- TODO fix this code so that it works. Anyone???

id=0  -- need this to identify (software) IC2 bus?
gpio= {[0]=3,[2]=4,[4]=2,[5]=1,[12]=6,[13]=7,[14]=5} -- this maps GPIO numbers to internal IO references
sda=gpio[12] -- connect to pin GPIO14
scl=gpio[14] -- connect to pin GPIO12
addr=0x3C -- the I2C address of our device

-- initialize i2c

-- user defined function: read from reg_addr content of dev_addr
function read_reg(dev_addr, reg_addr)
     i2c.address(id, dev_addr ,i2c.TRANSMITTER)
     i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.RECEIVER),1)
     return c

function write_reg(dev_addr, reg_addr, reg_val)
     i2c.address(id, dev_addr, i2c.TRANSMITTER)
     i2c.write(id, reg_addr)
     i2c.write(id, reg_val)

function oled_command(cmd)

function display()
oled_command(0x21) -- set column addresses
oled_command(0x00) -- reset column start address
oled_command(0x7F) -- reset column end address
oled_command(0x22) -- set page addresses
oled_command(0x00) -- reset page start address
oled_command(0x07) -- reset page end address

function init() -- Initialises the 128x64 oled
oled_command(0xAE) -- turn off oled panel
oled_command(0xA8) -- set multiplex ratio to 1 byte following
oled_command(0x3F) -- 1/64 duty (N+1 MUX: 1-64))
oled_command(0xD3) -- set display offset to 1 byte following
oled_command(0x00) -- no offset

oled_command(0x40) -- set start line address
oled_command(0xA0) -- set segment remap
oled_command(0xC0) -- set COM output scan direction
oled_command(0xDA) -- set com pins hardware configuration to 1 byte following
oled_command(0x12) -- set pins

oled_command(0x81) -- set contrast control register
oled_command(0x7f) -- reset contrast to default value

oled_command(0xA4) -- set display on
oled_command(0xA6) -- set normal display
oled_command(0xD5) -- set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency
oled_command(0x80) -- set divide ratio

oled_command(0x8D) -- set Charge Pump enable/disable
oled_command(0x14) -- set(0x10) disable

oled_command(0xAF) -- turn on oled panel
print("Init done")

for a=1,20 do

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By 4em
#8848 Hi guys!
I need help.
I have a display that has 2 extra o - RST, D/C.
And I can't run it using the suggested code - display turns on and then filled with random pixels and that's it.
I connect RST to +3.3 v and D/C to GND, but it does nothing.
What am I doing wrong?
