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By ProfePaco
#11615 After a couple of weeks playing with 2 units ofESP8266 esp-01, lua firmware... I begin to think this is not a reliable product.

I need to soft reset periodically the module after one hour if I want to keep a server running.

I have to soft reset the module if i receive several GET commands in a row. Otherwise it freezes...

And, what it is very frustrating, sometimes when I power on the esp8266 it takes continuously 0.3 A and it freezes. Or after on takes 0.3A and it freezes.

I have tested several configurations, RST to VCC or not connected, GPIO0 to VCC or not connected... and no one solves the issues.

What is happening?

Can we use it?

Is anybody running a server for weeks with no issues?
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By villTech
#11625 dont jump to wrong conclussions too quickly.

you have a lot of things to consider here: your unit, your power supply, hardware set up, lua fw, lua programs, etc.

i have 2 units that run for 3 mos continously without problem. it send sms to my phone when i open my 2 doors.

and i have been using this items for industrial use for a month now. replacing my atmel and microchip projects.
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By ProfePaco
villTech wrote:dont jump to wrong conclussions too quickly.

you have a lot of things to consider here: your unit, your power supply, hardware set up, lua fw, lua programs, etc.

i have 2 units that run for 3 mos continously without problem. it send sms to my phone when i open my 2 doors.

and i have been using this items for industrial use for a month now. replacing my atmel and microchip projects.

Thanks. I need some motivation...

Whilst I am writing this lines, my esp-01 is consuming now 0.15A...and it stops answering.

Power supply. Regulated power
regulated power supolly + step up module = fail
lua firmawre = last one

lua program (so simple, to communivcate to an arduino):

veces = 0;
tmr.alarm(0, 30*60*1000, 1, function() node.restart() end )
-- print(payload)
uart.write(0, payload)
tmr.delay(100000); --let message to be sent
veces = veces + 1;
if (veces >= 7) then node.restart() end

resetting after 30 minutes. resetting if receives 7 (veces = 7) GETs in a row.

Any idea?
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By ProfePaco
#11671 just adding more info...

the esp8266 now is answering. It seems the timer has reested the unit and now it is consuming about 40 mA. So it has been frezzed for a while.

Why can this happen? why suddenly takes so much current and stop answering?

more people with this problem?