Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By alonewolfx2
voyager wrote:Hi Bydanbicks,
thanks a lot for your help. I did as you suggested. Well all the the projects listed in Sming are now imported. I started loading Basic_Blink. Using 'Build' resulted in a disaster. I the modified the Paths, Directories and the Serial port in the Makefile. But when I again tried to' Build' i got this:

Program "mingw32-make.exe" not found in PATH Basic_Blink C/C++ Problem

That doesn't look like a OS X Command. So what I have done for hours? Can you help me with a small Makefile for OS X as an example and tell me how to solve this exe problem.
Thanks Dan


can you try this repo?
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By alon24
#16558 I follow the sming gitter with great interest, and I think its very good, the speed of things there is amazing.

But I have a question, what can I use right now? what is stable?
I rebase my sming now and again, on the main stream, and each time, my project stops working.

So how would you recommend i "consume" sming, and start working with it?

clone from main?
Is the issue (in main) of not putting my project in the same dir as sming, solved?

On Windows

Download ESP8266 Unofficial DevKit
Import Sming example projects to Eclipse IDE
Please upgrade SDK to v1.0.1b1
Compile it and flash to chip!"

Where do I download 1.0.1b1 exactly from - link would be gr8

Thanks for your help.
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By voyager
#16572 Hi Byalonewolfx2,

Nope. Although i adapted all Directories needed nothing working. I still get a lot of Errors:
(nearly everything is missing)
Function 'digitalWrite' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 11 Semantic Error
Function 'pinMode' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 17 Semantic Error
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. Basic_Blink C/C++ Problem
Method 'initializeMs' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 18 Semantic Error
Method 'start' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 18 Semantic Error
Symbol 'OUTPUT' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 17 Semantic Error
Type 'Timer' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 6 Semantic Error

and Warnings

Invalid project path: Include path not found (/Users/blabla/Documents/workspace/Sming/Basic_Blink/\include). Basic_Blink pathentry Path Entry Problem
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/Users/blabla/Documents/workspace/Sming/Basic_Blink/Sming/). Basic_Blink pathentry Path Entry Problem

I have never seen such a declaration before. Is that correct? '/Sming/Basic_Blink/\include'
To be honest, never thought getting that much problems installing such small piece of software.

Can anyone give me Size results using lua, Arduino ESP IDE and Sming ?
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By kenn
alon24 wrote:I follow the sming gitter with great interest, and I think its very good, the speed of things there is amazing.

But I have a question, what can I use right now? what is stable?
I rebase my sming now and again, on the main stream, and each time, my project stops working.

So how would you recommend i "consume" sming, and start working with it?

clone from main?
Is the issue (in main) of not putting my project in the same dir as sming, solved?

On Windows

Download ESP8266 Unofficial DevKit
Import Sming example projects to Eclipse IDE
Please upgrade SDK to v1.0.1b1
Compile it and flash to chip!"

Where do I download 1.0.1b1 exactly from

The latest 'ESP8266 Unofficial DevKit' (Version 2.0.3, 27.04.2015) already has SDK 1.01. Check the changelog.

sming is moving fast! 8-) This means there currently isn't a 'stable' version, but I haven't had serious problems yet, and they seem to find and fix any bugs quickly.

To start working with sming I simply cloned the master repo of sming into C:\Espressif\sming, and i pull the latest whenever I want the latest set of changes. I create new folders inside sming for my own sming applications so that they don't get walked-over by an update, but sometimes this means I have to update some things in my custom applications (eg makefile) by hand.