Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

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By danbicks
#18977 Hi Rarbolay,

I would definitely put an 100uf @ 16 volt electrolytic cap on the 3.3v DC rail, as near to the ESP8266 PSU connections.

Good you have serial communication, so at least you can see what the code is up to.

I don't have any pullup resistors on mine and works fine, you could try two 4k7 pullup resistors on the I2c bus this may help.

let me know your progress.
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By Mikejstb
#18983 Thanks for the nice example!

I tweaked the code a bit to just cycle, displaying first the pretty wifi graphic, then list all the APs that are seen, then the waves graphic, over and over.
I took out the code that logged into an AP and displayed the ip address and such.
Didn't really need that to happen.
And I put in a counter to display the first 8 APs found, then if there are more to clear the display and then display the next 8, etc.

I didn't have room on the oled to display the signal strength - that would have nice to show but it just won't fit without taking two lines per AP.

I'm going to mount it all with a battery and possibly a charger into a little box I got from Electrodragon http://www.electrodragon.com/product/plastic-case-top-bot/.

I'm just waiting for some little toggle switches to get here.

Thanks again - very good job!
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By danbicks
#18985 Thanks Buddy, A pleasure I am glad it helped.

Yep I like the WIFI logo took me a little time to get it looking right!

Would like to see updates to example when you get a chance.

Well done

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By rarbolay
#18989 Dan, success! (of sorts) although I did get it to work, its spotty. While reconnecting everything to add the pull up resistors it decided to work, then not, then sure, then...

I suspect is a power issue. If there is not sufficient amperage available when the OLED cycles on, it goes to random pixels (just a guess on my part). the pull up resistors seem unnecessary (not connected here) And yes, that is a 4700uf capacitor. I plan on running the whole shebang on batteries and that is the smallest I have gotten to work reliably with CR2477s.
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