The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By jmg5150
#23306 I've been playing with nodeMCU pretty much since it's first release and love how easy it has made getting a bunch of devices talking to each other. However one hurdle for me has been setting up a broker. I'm not a fan of using one of the free sandbox brokers since anyone can pub/sub to any topic, and didn't want to use a proprietary service pub/sub protocol - I just wanted to use genuine MQTT that nodeMCU project natively supports. I'm guessing there are others here who share my woes and desires, so I developed a site providing easy access to MQTT brokers which are globally distributed and offer PRIVATE topics for free, as well as some premium services in hopes to pay off the servers.

Please have a look:

I hope that this will make your connected projects even easier to get up and running. Configuration of private topics is done entirely on the website so you don't need to set up another API to configuring anything, you can go from sign up to working in under 30 seconds. My goal was originally to solve a problem that was bugging me and to benefit the hobbyist/maker community. Of course, any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated!

Full Disclosure: In case it wasn't obvious, I'm one of the developers.