Is there any way we can get a static list of all the entries on one page? *UPDATE*: Done! I'd suggest copying/stickying

Entrant 45 - Aquarium - Vivarium ESP8266 Controller
Entrant 58 - Connect Home Electric Kettle to the IoT World
Entrant 55 - Sattrack an ISS indicator
Entrant 60 - ESP8266 controlled 6 DOF robot arm on tank
Entrant 70 - Air Quality Monitoring with ESP8266
Entrant 92 - WIFI Bulb
Entrant 35 - MQTT Power Socket with Commander App
Entrant 41 - CarontePass - Open Access Control
Entrant 51 - ESP8266 Rowing Computer
Entrant 89 - OpenGarage
Entrant 32 - ESP8266 Flux RGB LED Controller
Entrant 20 - The Light Clock
Entrant 14 - ESP8266 Robitics Project
Entrant 26 - Light Suit V2
Entrant 47 - Home Sweet Home
Entrant 27 - IoT Camera with Telegram Msg Service
Entrant 52 - Ventilation Fan Cellar Dehumidifier Thingspeak
Entrant 91 - Calc Hack
Entrant 81 - Timelapse photography with slide rail
Entrant 87 - Carl the Robot
Entrant 67 - WiFiBoy Game Dev Kit
Entrant 13 - ESP8266EX Flight Controller Board
Entrant 84 - Controlling 433MHz Outlets with ESP8266
Entrant 63 - Monitors Gas Consumption of Home Heating
Entrant 68 - W-esp
Entrant 6 - WiFiManager - ESP8266 WiFi Connection Management
Entrant 46 - Search and Rescue Dog temperature monitor
Entrant 66 - N'cube
Entrant 12 - OLED Station with ESP8266
Entrant 25 - Laser Tag
Entrant 80 - Recoil is an ESP8266 based target practice game
Entrant 30 - ESP8266 PIR Security
Entrant 2 - Wiggletron3000
Entrant 37 - MQTT LCD open HAB
Entrant 19 - Zmote
Entrant 34 - ESP8266 Button IOT
Entrant 62 - AirWare Project
Entrant 4 - Wifi light and fan control
Entrant 42 - Tittle
Entrant 22 - VNC LCD
Entrant 54 - ESP8266 Smartwatch
Entrant 76 - Eye-O-Tea
Entrant 83 - Thinking of You
Entrant 8 - Mitchine
Entrant 74 - MagicShifter 3000
Entrant 7 - ESP8266 Word Clock
Entrant 85 - Control 433Mhz plugs with ESP8266 and Blynk
Entrant 21 - IOT Toothbrush
Entrant 24 - Weather LCD
Entrant 50 - Intelligent Public Transport Route Mapping
Entrant 17 - iBoardbot
Entrant 69 - ESP8266 Demo Board
Entrant 82 - mini4WD
Entrant 1 - SmoxSignal
Entrant 59 - Full function Webserver for ESP8266
Entrant 15 - WakeWidget
Entrant 31 - ESP8266 Robotic Hamster
Entrant 86 - MQTT Framework
Entrant 9 - 3D Printer Controller
Entrant 48 - Source Routing Protocol
Entrant 57 - WW2 Era J-38 Telegraph Key
Entrant 43 - Robotic FAX button pressing
Entrant 90 - ESP8266 based back yard sensor platform
Entrant 72 - IOT Home Automation Framework for ESP8266
Entrant 40 - Smart Room using ESP8266
Entrant 65 - Arduino server using ESP8266
Entrant 73 - The Wip-Boy 2000
Entrant 79 - Emergency Food Button
Entrant 88 - Garage Door Opener with ESP8266
Entrant 78 - OpenMYR (Wireless Stepper Motor)
Entrant 16 - 36Bricks IOT Building Blocks
Entrant 11 - FORTH language implementation in native ESP8266
Entrant 39 - Home automation using ESP8266
Entrant 3 -Bubbles Aqua
Entrant 53 - ESP-RS485
Entrant 64 - Web Interfaces WS2812s
Entrant 49 - Milk in fridge?
Entrant 36 - Temperature Data Logger with ESP8266
Entrant 38 - ESP8266 Catalytic Wood Stove Monitor
Entrant 10 - RS232 WIFI to SERIAL
Entrant 44 - Universal IO Bridge
Entrant 23 - ESP8266 Basic
Entrant 5 - USB WAV player
Entrant 18 - Online Designer firmware for ESP8266 with a web
Entrant 77 - Multiple LED strip controller
Entrant 61 - Solar Water Controller
Entrant 28 - NMEA Bridge
Entrant 29 - Open Source Drone
Entrant 71 - Control ESP8266 Wirelessly
Entrant 75 - Nextion WIFI Touch Display
Entrant 33 - ESPMouse
Entrant 56 - Remote Health Checkup