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By martinayotte
#38352 That strange that PuTTy seems to not sending the LF after a CR, especially that the option is present. It must be a bug.
Do you have a Logic Analyser that can help to verify that ?

In my case, I don't use PuTTy since I'm on Linux, I'm using picocom.
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By bubba198
#38863 I don't but I can hook up another laptop to the first one running putty and use one of those hex dump for serial utilities to finally answer the question whether putty does or does not insert the character as it is supposed to when that option is enabled. I agree this smells like a bug to me and possibly it is just on that one version as I can not imagine that all reports of putty working fine are not credible out there so it clearly must be working for some people so maybe a version bug related thing.