I have a machine with various inputs, outputs, control systems, and settings. I am controlling this machine with a microprocessor (arduino, maybe a pi in the future) connected to an ESP8266. There is a document stored on the microprocessor containing the settings the machine needs such as thermal set points and machine state configurations. Assume this machine does not have access to the internet.
I would like to be able to use a cellphone or laptop (within physical wifi range of the machine) to access a webpage which will show me a UI page populated with the settings from the document. I would also like to be able to change the settings and even download/upload a new settings document through this browser interface.
I know that using various cloud services would simplify the situation, but I cannot be assured the machine would have internet access wherever it is installed. I also cannot use a custom app as I do not know what brand/type of device may be used to interface with the UI.
This is a complicated project, and I would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks!