This is my first post here, so let's hope this works.
I've been planning to automate my room/house myself as a nice project. I planned to do it with as few plug and play devices as possible, so I'll have to create them myself. I want to start by creating a wireless light switch using a esp8266 module. I've read quite a lot about all the different options and I'm having trouble deciding which combination of hardware to use.
I think I want to use an esp-01 module, as the only actuator connected to it will be a relay.
I'm struggling to find a good way of supplying power to the module, as it will sit in the wall and the only power there is 230v. I've read that I shouldn't buy them from china as these aren't safe. Is there a good step down converter that I could just put in between? Could I just take any random phone charger that outputs 5v, remove the casing and connect it?
Then there is also the relay, which I don't know where to get. I would prefer a solid state relay (silent), but I don't really know where to get these.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,