esp-open-sdk can be installed almost as described in Linux Compiler Setups.
Some problems have been reported if you build the toolchain in a case-insensitive filesystem. To avoid these issues create a case-sensitive volume:
hdiutil create ~/Desktop/eos.dmg -volname "esp-open-sdk" -size 10g -fs "Case-sensitive HFS+" hdiutil mount ~/Desktop/eos.dmg cd /Volumes/esp-open-sdk
brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names brew tap homebrew/dupes brew install gperf brew install grep brew install autoconf brew install binutils brew install gawk brew install wget brew install automake brew install libtool brew install help2man
binutils is needed for gobjcopy
gawk is required for overwriting the non-gnu awk in my case
If you get the error “configure: error: could not find GNU awk”, run
brew link --overwrite gawk
If you get the error “./zconf.hash.c:167:1: error: conflicting types for 'kconfidlookup'”
brew uninstall gperf
see: for reference
sudo port install gsed gawk binutils gperf grep gettext py-serial wget
git clone --recursive
Note the –recursive option. This will force git to initialize modules.
These needs to be applied before build.
sed -i.bak '1s/^/gettext=\'$'\n/' crosstool-NG/kconfig/Makefile sed -i.bak -e 's/[[:<:]]sed[[:>:]]/gsed/' Makefile sed -i.bak -e 's/[[:<:]]awk[[:>:]]/\$(AWK)/' lx106-hal/src/ sed -i.bak 's/AM_PROG_AS/AM_PROG_AS\'$'\nAM_PROG_AR/' lx106-hal/